Rose POV

I’m such a stupid person, what was I even thinking when I decided to wander around in such a cold weather. I just wish it doesn’t snow to add more to my misery.

I really need to work on my social attitude. I’m Rosalyn, yeah call me Rose. Are you waiting for my full name? Sorry to disappoint you, it’s a secret no one has to know, so bear with me.

‘HERE IT GOES JESUS EHHHH!’ Can’t I take a break from my ever so charming bad luck? Does it really have to snow? Oh, leave it; I need to hurry before I die from the chilling cold. I never knew Russia has such a cold weather in winters, only if I knew. Yes folks, my current home is in Moscow, Russia but please don’t come over, I would really mind.

Finally, after jiggling with my apartment keys, I enter inside my apartment shivering. It’s a simple yet beautiful one-bedroom apartment with an open kitchen. I take off my boots and coat while heading towards my cocoa brown couch that is placed in the middle of the small living room. I slum on the comfy couch and look around my apartment to give a once over like every day to see everything is same as I left. Same white walls with a painting hanging in the middle of the living room wall above the fireplace, a glass table in front of me and an open kitchen on my view with untouched appliances.

Soon I feel myself basking in the warmth of my apartment and in no time, I drift to my dreamland leaving all the things at the back of my mind.


I’m flying, wait what? Nooo, I’m falling and before I know I’m on the floor groaning from pain. So much for flying and how could I fall asleep on the couch? ‘Because you are a lazy ass who can’t give up her sleep’.

‘I really need to stop talking to myself if I don’t want people to freak out.’

‘As if you care.’

‘Fine I give up; my inner sarcastic voice, please let me have a break.’

‘Sure, just don’t forget that you have packing to do and a flight to catch’

“OH MY GODD! HOW CAN I FORGET I HAVE PACKING TO DO? I am a goner; I haven’t even started yet.”

‘Oh, hello my inner voice, help please. Ok I got it; you don’t want to help me in the time of need. I’m all by myself.’


6 hours, yes it took me 6 hours to get done with my packing and getting ready. I should be proud of myself for getting ready on time at least, and now I’m standing in this damn line for luggage check-in.

Finally, after all the hassle it’s time to board and I am more than grateful.

After settling on my seat, I start to think about my destination New York, my new home. I don’t even know why I thought to move to that city since it was once my home. ‘Let’s not think about that, 10 hours of flight are going to be hell boring so let’s utilize them by taking a nap. It’s been ages since I last slept.’

‘Yeah, sure keep convincing yourself.’

‘Oh! Shut up let me sleep.’


‘New York, here I come.’ I stood outside the airport looking at my now familiar surroundings. I hate to move but to keep my secrets safe I need to. How boring right? I can’t enjoy nor can I settle. I’m tired of moving but then it’s necessary; you know what they call it ‘Survival instinct, that’s what this moving is to me. Phew, my dramatic life. I better start walking or else I would have to take another flight and run away from this place.

I hail a cab a few seconds later to go in the heart of the city, to go for job hunting and of course searching for a place to live.


After wandering in the streets for hours like a beggar has gotten me nowhere. I didn’t find any job and have no place to live since they are way out of my budget. I don’t even have money to make things worse. I can only get groceries for a week and grab lunch now. Really, how did I happen to be the most idiotic person on the face of earth with the worst luck to accompany with? In the train of my thoughts my stomach grumbles and reminds me of its presence.

I sigh and look for a café or something to have a meal or I might as well faint from hunger. After looking for 10 minutes I finally spot a McDonald’s and make a run to it. I enter the place and suddenly the aroma of food hits me like a truck and my mouth salivates just at the thought of having those delicious burgers. I walk to the counter and order two cheeseburgers with a diet coke and sit on the secluded seat in the far corner to devour my meal.

Once I’m done devouring my burgers, I start to look for some online jobs and apply for three of them. ‘Ok, time for some real job hunting’ with the motto to look for job again I start to head over to the exit while checking my phone when all of a sudden, I collide into a wall. ‘Wait, a wall in the middle of the way’ and then it hit me; I bumped into someone just like every time.

‘You can get an award for this’ my inner voice suggested.

‘Oh, just shut up and let me apologize and get this over with.’ I retorted back.

I look up with all the lines prepared in my head but my brain stops working when my gaze lands on a beautiful pair of forest green eyes. I just can’t seem to look away from those mesmerizing eyes. They hold me captive as their prisoner for what feels like an eternity. They are the best shade of green I have ever come across and the depth in them spoke volumes. The man with those mesmerizing eyes is also staring at me with the same interest, however, someone clears their throat snapping me out of my daze and I finally notice the manager standing beside us giving me a pointed look. I shrug it off and look at the owner of those mesmerizing eyes.

He has not so short shiny raven hair which are perfectly smothered for an office look. His high cheek bones can put anyone to shame with his perfect sharp jaw line. Those manly broad shoulders feel so comfortable to lean my head on. If I were to fall, his muscular arms would have effortlessly pulled me up. Don’t even get me started about his pale skin; he looks like a model from some magazine cover in his well fitted navy-blue three-piece suit. He looks so perfect like god himself carved him. I was so busy checking him out that I didn’t notice his gaze following mine.

When he was sure that I’m back to his eyes after my little tour he smirked and that’s when my eyes noticed his soft plump lips. ‘He is hot with a capital H.’

‘Yes, so damn hot. I won’t mind staring at this masterpiece for hours.’

I agreed with my snarky inner voice for the first time and sighed. I snap out of my reverie at the revelation and say in the most emotionless tone “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking”. With that said, I head out of the place and walk aimlessly while looking for a job. But I wasn’t even paying any attention because my every thought was consumed by the fine specimen but then my inner voice came to life and knocked some sense in me.

‘You do remember what happened, right? Stop thinking about him, we are never going to meet him again anyway.’

‘You are right for the second time today, my inner voice. It’s an achievement.’


I lay on the uncomfortable bed while my mind kept rewinding all the incidents of today. How I managed to convince the old lady to give me this house on rent for a month without security deposit, it’s not even the size of my last apartment but it’s alright for now since I don’t have a penny in my pocket. I even got a job of a waitress in a hotel and a late-night shift in a bar while searching for a job at the expensive side of the street. I just hope I have enough money to pay my bills, with these thoughts clouding my mind I fell asleep on the uncomfortable bed.