Chapter 10
Luke POV
I stood amused as Rose stared at me dumfounded with those mesmerizing brown eyes of her. As much as I was enjoying the look and wanted to stay, I had a job to do and I was clearly late but then again, a few more minutes won’t hurt. I smirked a bit and asked, “Rose, enjoying the view huh?”
She instantly stiffened before replying, “No, I was just thinking about everything that happened.”
I chuckled and remarked “Well, you don’t have to worry about anything for a week. So, enjoy and give this little head of yours’ a bit of rest. I am sure if you keep up with the thinking you will have grey hair soon.”
She narrowed her eyes on me and scoffed. “See who’s talking? From the minute I know you, you are always thinking about something. You didn’t get grey hair. I’m sure mine will survive too.”
She then gave a dramatic pause while looking at my hair and slowly made an ‘O’ shape from her mouth and continued, “Don’t tell me you dyed them? OH MY GOD, I have an old man for a friend.”
I rolled my eyes at her and replied with a snort “Ha, very funny. I’m not old and this is my natural hair color. Stop giving that look to my hair.”
She finally giggled for the first time and god her laugh sounded so melodious to my ears. I kept staring at her all the while she laughed and soon, she too joined the staring contest. After mere seconds, she raised her arched brow and asked “What?”
“Nothing, I was just thinking we should celebrate a little. I mean you are free for a week, why not enjoy it. What do you say?” I queried.
“Umm, it’s not a bad idea but...” before she could continue, I spoke. “It is final then. We are celebrating the day after tomorrow and you do not get to chicken out. No ifs or buts. Consider it as a celebration for our friendship.”
She had that thoughtful look on her face for a while before she finally nodded and said “OK, But where are we going?”
I pondered for some time when something popped up in my head “It’s a surprise. Now, I’m heading back to bake the desserts. I’m sure the other chef is already throwing a fit for my absence.”
Rose nodded and mumbled a sure and I took that as my queue to leave. Just as I reached for the door handle her voice stopped me. “Do you know Edwards? I saw how you had a thoughtful look when Mr. Mathews mentioned them.”
I was still standing with my back turned towards her and I knew it was for the best, I hate it when people pry too much however I know it’s not Rose’s mistake. I plastered a smile on my face as I turned around to face her and answered the question while gazing into her innocent eyes. “Yea, I mean everyone knows them and it’s hard not to know about a family whose name is on news every other day. I don’t know them personally if you were asking in that sense. And for Mathews, I always have a thoughtful look in front of him and a lot more people. So, don’t get confused next time.” With that said I walked out of the room and went back to work.
The whole day passed in a blur and my shift was coming to an end. I checked the time in my way too expensive watch for a chef and noticed it’s almost 11 indicating I need to head back. I went back to my car and decided to head to a club instead of home since everything was rushing back in my head.
Within minutes I was pulling at some random club without any idea about my surroundings but before I could step out my phone vibrated. I growled in frustration before picking up the damn phone from the console just to come across my dad’s name. I sighed before answering the call ‘hey dad!’
Dad (D) - ‘Hello, my favorite son. How are you?’
Luke (L) - ‘Dad, I’m your only son and I’m good. You know the usual, by the way when are you coming back? Don’t tell me you are planning to spend your old man days in Dubai.’
D - ‘I’m still young from heart and you need to learn that too, Son. And I am coming back after two days.’
L - ‘Great, I’ll see you soon then, I gotta go now. Don’t forget to go for your routine checkup. It’s tomorrow.’
D - ‘Hey! I’m your dad, don’t treat me like a baby plus it’s my assistant’s job to remind me. Anyway, what’s the rush?’
L - ‘Uh yea, I actually came to a club just to hang out you know. I’ll be back soon, no more than 12.’
D - ‘Luke, I know you won’t tell me what happened but till when are you going to live like this, huh? You need to let go of the past to live your life son. If you hold something too tightly, it’s you who is going to get hurt at the end. Whatever it was, let it go.’
L - ‘I’m trying dad and maybe one day I’ll tell you when I’m ready.’
D - ‘I won’t force you to tell me something you don’t want to. Take your time and remember, healing is a long process and you need to forgive and sometimes forget to heal.’
L - ‘Yea, I’ll keep that in mind, now stop being so wise and emotional. I have yet to enter the club and if you keep going, I would have to drive back home coz of your wise words.’
D - ‘(Chuckling) you won’t stop dodging this, will ya? Don’t answer that, I already know you won’t. I too have to go now. Don’t drink too much; I know you plan to get wasted.’
L - ‘Yea yea, no getting wasted, No knocking up someone and blah blah. I remember the rules, dad. I’m hanging up now. Bye’
D - ‘Bye! See you soon Son!’
I took a deep breath once the call ended, before getting out of my car and walked towards the club entrance. Without bothering myself with people, I went straight to the bar and right away ordered neat bourbon whiskey while checking my phone last time for the night.
Shortly, I was drowning myself in alcohol with no care about the world. By now, I have lost count of my whiskey and I’m completely wasted but I don’t want to stop. I want to continue and see how far I can go. I was picking up my next glass when a hand stopped me and I frowned knowing well I didn’t have company with me.
I slowly lifted my eyes from the glass to the owner of that damn hand. I could barely decipher my surroundings yet I made an effort to search my memory to recognize the man standing in front of me but I began feeling sleepy in the process. The man in front of me just shook his head and took my hand in his grasp and mumbled something which was beyond my comprehension.
He again shook his head while lifting my hand to his shoulder and made me stand up on my wobbly feet. I looked at him completely puzzled and said “I can stand up on my own and where are you taking me? My drink is waiting for me.”
He glared at me and began walking towards the exit while dragging me with him. “Wait, let me be. I’m not going with you. I need my whiskey.” I muttered while trying to stand straight on my legs.
He came to a halt in front of my car and motioned me to get inside and that’s when I lost it. “I fucking said I fucking want to stay. Don’t you get it dammit? Let go of my fucking hand, I am already fucking pissed and you, old geezer is not helping.” I yelled.
“One more word and I will put a tape on your fucking mouth. You are wasted enough to not recognize your own security head yet you need more whiskey, huh? Now get in before I actually put a tape on your mouth.” he said with a straight face. Okay, so I now know who he is plus he can speak too.
I silently get in the car knowing well he won’t hesitate to use force and closed my eyes seconds later due to the exhaustion and fell asleep without my knowledge. I woke up from the violent shaking and saw it’s none other than my so-called security head whom I still don’t recognize. I shook my head and noticed we are already in front of my house.
The building in front of me screamed luxury but I didn’t have the energy to assess and point out everything luxurious. I get out of the car and stumble on my way while walking but somehow, I managed to reach my room and quietly laid down on my bed.
I keep staring at the ceiling with memories rushing back however I don’t pay them any heed; I’m used to this. The pain, the memories, the flashbacks, everything is a part of me that I have embraced. A smile crept on my face knowing well there is no escaping and with these thoughts swirling in my mind I succumb to sleep. My last thought being my father’s words ‘let it go, son.’
‘I’m trying dad but it’s too much.’