
Tyler arrived early in my apartment to pick us up to come with him for their morning practice as what he have promised Sky last night.

Our son was really excited to the point where he woke up two hours in advance than his usual wake up time. The kid was very hyper and I am not going to lie, I was a bit drained just to contain his excitement.

"Daddy can you tie my shoes?" Sky asks his father as he runs towards him carrying his shoes.

"Sure buddy, come here!" Tyler said enthusiastically and carry Sky to sit on the couch. If I have my phone with me right now, I'd totally take a photo of it but I'm really busy in preparing Sky's stuff to bring with him.

"I'll just come pick up Sky later after my meeting." I told Tyler after I finish packing Sky's bag. I have an urgent faculty meeting at the university right now with my co-faculties I have to attend to. "Is your mom really sure that she can handle Sky all on her own?"