I'm chugging my second coffee of the day, I didn't get much sleep from last night. Probably because the whole night all I was thinking is Tyler, and Sky happened to wake up as early as four!
My morning classes were dragging for forever, and I even felt like I didn't do any justice on the topic I tackled during my lectures. I'm trying to discuss as fast as I could since midterms are next week, so I need to finish making exams and at the same time finalize my dissertation in graduate school so that I'll have my thesis defense right before the finals looms in.
After dismissing my last morning class, I immediately head straight to the faculty lounge to go grab some brunch. I'm totally starving! I wasn't able to eat breakfast, I wasn't even able to take a bath because I was already late. Coming from Tyler's house, I went home to my apartment to change my clothes, grab my things and went here in school.