Tyler: wat tym will u be home?
Me: around 6. I still have a quick make up class.
Tyler: u want me to come pick u up?
Me: i'll just ride a cab.
Tyler: r u sure?
Me: i'm good Hollis.
Tyler: alright! can't wait 2 cuddle ya!
Me: haha. We've been cuddling for 5 days straight. we should take a break
Tyler: nope! Not gonna happen. No breaks baby!
I literally cannot hide the smile on my face as I constantly read and throw Tyler a text while I wait for the make up class to commence.
Ever since the date up to now, Tyler and I have been constantly sleeping and sharing the wildest sex almost every night. I even tap myself every morning that I still do have the energy to wake up early in the morning to go to school and tried real hard not to fall asleep in class.