The Island Trip.

Chapter 3

They made up to the island, everything looked so good and perfect not too bright but not too much darkness too.

Festivities were going to start as the instructor came and explained all about the plans. Instructor advised all to first go to the respective tents and wash up and in 30 mins or so he will gather all and will guide them and show them around. Everybody hummed and started going to the reception area. Checking and responsibilities of taking care of booked staying area was Annie's responsibility, so they all gathered in the corner as she go to the reception.

"Okay squad, letzzz go! , BTW guys

Our tents are little inside the island.. hmmm interesting",

" As we discussed, we booked for two tents but anyone can take any room, as long as all agree", Annie said.

When given the tickets they also handed out the maps to them, in which the directions were given to there tents and also to the places to visit.

As they were going to pick there bags in the lobby and going out towards the tents.

A dark shadow hiding behind the trees was watching out the tourists.

A silent breeze flows by, ruffling up her duffel bag and her long hair.

She watched the group came out ,

Out of curiosity, she followed them.

Alex felt unsettling feeling that someone was watching them. Tried to wriggle it out of its system but the feeling just creeping him out a little bit, so he looked back and sideways, to calm himself, "See, there's nothing to worry about Alex, nothing", he kept saying to himself.

They eventually got to their tents and settled down, and chit chatting. Alex forgot those nervousness and relaxed and laughed out a little over the stupid arguments they all were having.



She smiled, a crooked smile as she knows what to do next, decided that she indeed will have lots of fun with this group.

Everything looked out of a dream.

With a beautiful sunset, mixture of red and purple hues swimming on the ocean that and with the way waves were forming and echoing and getting lost in water looked like heaven on earth.

After their little banter about who's gonna be in their tents it was decided that red colored one will be shared with Sophia, Annie and Dean and other green one by Sean and Alex.

Guide left them after sometime to let them enjoy it in their our own way.

Everybody was hungry so they decided to eat and were heading towards the stalls that looked promising.

At first, no one noticed the lady with blanket on her head , she was sitting little back...she might looked harmless and looked like a local who lived there. But she was far of the word 'Harmless'.

She sat at the poorly lighted area, More like back of the stall yet if someone stare they can see a figure.

Squad was standing near the stall and thinking of what to eat first, As in queue Annie turned and saw the stall that was behind her,

"ouhhh.. Coconut dishes, hey guys let's start with this dish.. Hey, excuse me anyone there? ", She asked looking in the stall as no one there and it looked a little out of place.

"Yes, welcome to the islands".. A voice came from the inside, " We would like to try the dishes of your stall" Annie said sweetly.

"Offcource, why not give me a minute, I will be right back".

After a minute she came back with a tray with variety of different dishes made of coconut. "there you go children",.

An unexplained chill ran down Sophia's body, the lady looked like old but had sharp eyes, all observing eyes. she wore a traditional looking robe with a hood on her hair. Her expressions were unreadable, had an aura of mystery.

But at that point with empty stomach and mind hazy due to hunger, she felt like that it's nothing.

"eat something, you're going crazy" she thought.

They all jumped on food and surprisingly all of the items were delicious,they can't believe the most choosy people in thw whole world all together agreed on one point and devoured all the item.

While eating silent had fallen. They didn't realize that the women was gone and they were standing alone on the booth.

When the time came to pay, then they realize how empty stall looked. They were looking sideways into the stall but didn't saw her but then Sophia noticed movement in her peripheral vision , as she moved her head to left she saw her walking in that direction.

"ma'am, excuse me ma'am", she followed her to give her the payment.

She realized that the booth lady had a pouch and she put it her hood when she noticed a presence.

"ohh, it's okay no need to pay as you people were my last customer", Sophia was shocked she just stood there with mouth open to say otherwise to accept it but she didnt get chance as the lady spoke again.

"and hey, as you were very sweet toward me, take this ", she raised hands and gesture Sophia to open her palm.

Beautiful charms made of dark blue stone which reflected different shades of blues in angles with something dark core in middle, they were charms for all of them.

"take this, castle will welcome you" the lady whispered and with eyes in direction of the castle, Sophia jerked , full attention on the lady " only people with stone heart go there, be careful" with that she gave a small smile and waved her hand and started walking like nothing happened.

And just like this she planted the seed of curiosity in their mind.

Now all she had to do now is to wait for them take the bait.