The Island Trip.

Chapter 5

After saying that he fell asleep immediately, there and there with a thud on the table. He might be sleeping soundly, in peace but the squad's feelings were too far from all that.

Adrenaline pumping in there bodies were taking a toll then and had made them all tired and anxious.

With drowsiness filled in there eyes and with heavy heart they all started walking toward the tents.

No one spoke a word.

Everybody just wanted to forget the whole incidence as some kind of sick joke, kind of horrible one but still as a prank than accept it as a reality. As they all reached the tents, Alex spoke and tried to broke the awkward silence,

" i-i know, i know that we all had a very.. umm weird day?! but we all need to relax and enjoy our vacation. Whatever happened happened, now we are going to relax, alright?".

Everybody nodded, Alex gave them all an genuine smile.

The reaction was quick, even listening to those words made everyone visibly at ease, like an invisible grey cloud had been lifted over them. He ushered them all to their specific tents.

After doing there nightly routines all fell asleep quite fast as there bodies now registered the exhaustion of the whole day.

While they were all asleep and unconscious flying into the dreamland,

She was sitting on the high and thick branch of the tree. Almost invisible in the darkness and from the peering eyes.

Was watching them the whole day.

Waiting,waiting patiently for the right time to come.




*skip time to the morning*



Alarms flared on their heads signalling them to wake up.

"According to schedule, breakfast is going to end in few minutes , wake up! WAKE UP!"

One thing that could wake anyone from there deepest sleep was the angry shrieking noises of Sophia.

Alex and Sean were sleeping like a log. Everybody had breakfast except those two, Sophia was the only option left anyways.

That day was going to be the main focus of the whole trip as it was going to be day full of different concerts and musical shows

ending with some cultural festivities.

It seemed like everybody were so busy in readying themselves for the whole day that they temporarily forgot about all the yesterday's shenanigans. Good for them.

Till they can enjoy let them enjoy. Fun part will be coming soon.

She thought.


They saw the guide at the breakfast table, they saw him going out the moment as they entered the table, they were very late and hence had no time to talk to him. But even if they had time, what were they going to talk about? They all still felt little guilty for all the alcohol drinking and for taking out the information that they were sure could have made him loose his job!

Should they be more relaxed that they were saved from all the awkward talk with him?


Should they be worried about that he might had complained about them and they were going to pay the price for that little talking session?!

Anyways, things will happen when they were going to happen. Nobody thought much about it as they were more focused on attending the concerts and dance all the worries off. They came here to relax and that's they were going to do.




*time skip to after the concert ends*


They were sweating bullets, there outfits were all bunch of mess and clinging uncomfortable to there bodies, still they were smiling laughing and enjoying. The last song just ended but the bass and thrumming of beats of that song were still pumping, pushing them to not let the festivities to end. They reject to be stopped and were still humming the music of the songs as they were going back to tents to change the outfit.

The moment they took the turn to the path to follow the way,

Allie saw that lady, the same lady!

When she saw her, primary taught that came into her mind was that she was just imaging her but then she saw her carrying that exact bag and similar clothing she knew she was right and also saw her coming out of there tents.

" guys, there! there! isn't she the same godforsaken lady from that stall?!", She whispered yelled.

Everybody, suddenly forgetting the song, jerked there faces toward the said direction so fast that it felt like at least one of them had their neck cracked.

They felt the rage gurgling up and wanted to confront her. All start brisk walking towards her except Alex.

He was just standing there as he was shell shocked to saw her. Then when his senses came back he saw them walking toward the tents, HE STARTED PANICKING.

" psst! stop, stop guys. Follow me pleaaase... just follow me now i will explain, ju-just listen to me for once", he pushed them behind the building to hide them all from line of vision of her.

" what are you doing?? she is leaving and getting out our hands AGAIN-"

"shhhh... she will get aware of our presence if you don't stop screaming like that" Alex put hand on Allie's mouth forcefully to stop her.

"instead of confronting her and her denying all, we should follow her and watch where is she going and capture her red handed"

Listening to that all stop squirming/resisting him. Everybody looked at each other and understood that that's the only way if they want to get to the base of all the mess.

But the thing that they didn't know was SHE KNEW that she had been spotted. ON PURPOSE!

She had the smile on her face when she saw that they were aware and saw her coming out of the tents.

"Follow me children, follow me" She Thought.

She followed the path that would led them to the castle.

Was watching sideways and all that acting to made them believe that she hadn't realize that she'd being followed.

The oblivious squad followed her while maintaining little distance.

All they knew was they were entering more deep parts of the island as they never had gone there if they didn't have a purpose after it. This part of forest is so dense anyone could get lost if they don't know how to navigate the path that could led them back.

She might think that these children were total idiots but she can't be more wrong.

Dean was marking tress and branches as they were entering more and more into forest and far from the security of their tents.