Natalie's P.O.V.
Ever since I've heard everything from Luca, in what state Lolita is now it made me worried, devastated.
I always said that I will find a way to save her that I will find a way to remove her from this situation but as time pass by, as the situation worsen the faith I have for myself is decreasing leaving me with only the thought of her getting consume by the evil or worse she could die and I wouldn't forgive myself if that happens because after all, it was all my fault that she turned like this.
"Your thinking about Lolita again, Natalie" I didn't need to turn around to see who was talking maybe because of the bond we had just like Lolita and Cleo "Because I'm thinking someone"
"Who is it? Me?" I asked as I stared at the vast green field outside of this thick glass window.