Spooky forest


On our way to that house we pass through rough road inside the forest its a bit scary though i need to be calm but fuck Lijin is not. Only trees, grasses, wild flowers you could see. Different kinds of birds flying freely in the air. Some were in the branches of a tree. Butterflies perch on the wild flowers and so do bees and bugs. I think there are lots of wild animals here but sad to say I didn't have a chance to see one of them. Big thanks that they never appear. It might scare me more, especially this friend of mine. I really can't believe that this place existed. This place was a preserved place or a forest.

We also pass in a pond and in a small falls. It was fascinating the water that flows down like a diamond,crystal clear water. The water in the pond where the water falling was a colour ocean blue water.. As Manong says, I will not trust what I've seen because they are all an illusion.

Are you sure this is the right way Bodi?. How many roads should we take before we could arrive at our destination? We already drove for half a day but then here we are still stuck inside this scary forest. Should I be scared now in our life?. I wanted to live long. I plan to have a family with my girlfriend.

Yeah he keeps on saying that and this. I just looked at him nonchalantly. I never uttered a single word. I'm afraid if I open my mouth he will get offended by my words. Better keep my mouth shut just listen to him with my one ear and release in another one.

I'm a little scared too. Who will not be, but then if I let my scares win, what was the outcome of me, us. Specially Lijin who's being delusional right now it would not help our situation.

If it's not the trunk of a tree that fell in the middle of the road it's an abyss who would welcome us. Did "kafir"play on us here?. Does a magical creature really exist Bodi?. "He's scared while asking".

I got a deep breath first before opening my mouth to answer him. I can see in his eyes he's really afraid.

Actually I have no idea about it, Lijin. I never meet them even once or experience something about that magical creature. So now fix yourself and stop saying nonsense. Calm yourself we just lost our way here as what Manong told me. I made a mistake too if I didn't let myself be deceived by that deer we already arrive at that house.

What?..... did we meet a deer? ,but why didn't I see it?.

How could you, if you keep on complaining and saying nonsense.

This is really scary Bodi goodness can we go back now. I can't go on with this. If this continues, darkness will overtake us. I can't take it anymore. We will get killed inside this forest. This is a wrong turn.

And now here he is again. He's the one who scares himself. Can you stop talking nonsense RM you're not helping me. You make the situation worse. Just now please bear with the situation and don't give me a burden.

How can I not think the worst if we are stuck in the middle of the forest. We don't know where we are. Where was the way? Why did you not ask that old man the exact direction?.

I asked him but this forest was too enchanted. I was deceived by the deer as what I've said. So I turned the steering wheel to the left which is the wrong way.

Can I blame you?.

Go as long as you want but think it first. If it can change the situation why not if not better keep your mouth shut and pray for all the saints that you know.

In my frustration I stopped the car. I needed to breathe fresh air. I'm about to get out but before I could open the door he stopped me.

Don't... i saw this at the movie if you will go outside someone will appear and kill you or even eat you alive. They have an ugly face and teeth. They eat fresh meat, especially human flesh. He seriously said.

You're adding to my frustration Lijin so please at this moment be mature. We are not in the movie, this is a real life situation. And that horror movies do not exist in the real world; they are the imagination of those writers who love horror. "I frustratingly told him".

I grab the door handle and open it with full force. I scratch my head for frustration. I let it out by scratching my nape because if not I will give him one punch. I will make sure that he will be unconscious right away so that he can no longer plague my day. My frustration is getting worse and worse every second pass.

So this is what Manong says. If I let deceit out of what I've seen, the consequence was too severe and yes it was severe. Severe frustration to the one I'm with.

I breath the fresh air. I raised my head to see the clouds. I closed my eyes at the same time because of the sun rays. It was too bright. I did it for fifteen minutes I guess. I park my car in an open area.

I take a look at Lijin whose inside the car he didn't step out of. He's too cowardly. He had a rosary with his hand and uttered something while doing a cross sign using his hand.

I just shook my head. If i know that he's like this i prefer Zuochen to be with me. Lijin gave me a headache and pissed me off all the time. I'm gonna lose my patience if he continues to act like this.

I look around. The scenery of this place was overwhelming. Green mountains because of trees and green grasses surrounding it. The trees dance in the wind and so do the wild flowers and tall grasses.

The clouds are white and blue. It's like cotton candy. It was really wondrous. Plus the fresh air and the silent surrounding only the chirp of the birds and sounds of the wind could hear. So this is the difference between living in the mountains and in the city. Not bad at all.

Just a meters away was an abyss again. I went there and I also wanted to see what the scenery looked like down there. When I arrived I looked down and I saw a forest, an everlasting forest. All I could see was the green leaves of a tree. There are other colors but more on green. Butterflies were flying above lots of lots of butterflies.

For some reason I saw a house meters away from where I stood. I frowned. I looked at the surrounding lots of times and I didn't see a house where there was a house now. Did my eyes deceive me again this time?. I rubbed my eyes to make sure it's not my phantasm. And it's not real. It's not a scam. To my excitement I hurriedly get in the car. Not only the house but I also saw the road going there. When I get in Lijin, throw me some water. Dammit.

What was your problem this time Lijin?, I angrily shouted at him. I saw holy water on his hand.

He just wry at me and had a peace sign. I brought it in case you know.

And you're proud of it huh!. sarcasm. Then why did you throw it to me?.

I just make sure you are not being replaced by the bad spirit scattered here. I don't want to lose a friend.

Ha..ha..ha.... It's good to hear nice, really nice one. Good job to you. I said with mockery.

You're hurting me Bodi you are so bad as a friend. I'm being concern here if you can't see.

Concern my ass. Why didn't you feel your concern despite, I felt the frustration that you gave to me. You give me a headache to complain while we are driving. All your craziness, all your nonsense. And to sum it all you did nothing but to utter the unbelievable thing.

You said it before that those magical creatures do not exist; they are not real but you eat it all. From what you said an hour ago you believe in them.

I let all my frustration out. I'd thought he would be offended by it but I'm wrong so much wrong he doesn't mind it. And seeing him now he's on deep realization. If I know this before I will say it immediately but then for sure he will not take it to heart and be a deaf to what I've said.

Ehh.. you can't blame. I was so scared. Can you imagine it?. The sketch that the old man gave was too near but when we were driving it was too far. Then in all the road that we take welcomes us by no way, abys, and trees who feel down in the middle of the road.

It was unbelievable so i really think that they existed in this world but they separate us in terms of living. We humans live in the city while them here inside the forest in the mountains.

I close my eyes to surpass all the frustration that I have. I wanted to laugh at him too. I'm really pissed.

I started the engine while shaking my head. I can't believe him anymore. I will get insane if I pay attention to his nonsense.

He keeps on murmuring while looking at his phone. I don't mind him, I concentrate on my driving. It's getting dark already. The sun will set anytime soon. I need to hurry. It's more dangerous at night here according to that old man.

A minute pass and we arrive at the said house. The land was too large and different animals were scattered in the area but it was separated. The house was a little bit far where the animals are.. This must be a rancho or villa.

I take a look at the house. It was a bit old but still stood strong. Or just the paint who faded, not those materials used in making this house. The gate was not made on metal. It was made of bamboo grass. Really old style people living here.