New Beginnings

A slamming car door startles Abby awake. Glancing towards the front, she discovers Thelma is no longer there. She sighs with relief. I thought the trip would never end. Abby yawns. Moving a row of toys, she slides out from under the seat. She soon realizes the bitterly cold night has turned into a pleasantly warm day. The sun is shining bright in the clear morning sky. Birds are chirping all around her. The small power nap she took has her ready to face the challenges of the day.

Abby notices the keys in the ignition when she moves towards the front. Thelma must've forgotten to take them. A thought suddenly comes to mind. No, I couldn't. I just couldn't, not after everything she did for me. It'd be a lot safer, and I could get further quicker if I did. No, I can't take anything that's not mine. She starts to slide the back door open when a harrowing thought stops her in her tracks. I'll be in the same situation I was a few years ago if I don't. Her mind drifts back to the day she and Thelma met.

It was a blizzardy day. Two feet of snow has already fallen, and more was on the way. The temperature is well below freezing for the third day in a row. Abby steps inside a soup kitchen, hoping she can get a bite to eat and figure out where she's going to sleep.

Noticing the wet, shivering girl in the entryway, Thelma pulls her off to the side. "Why don't I get you something dry to put on," she suggests.

Elizabeth lowers her gaze to the floor. "I don't want to be a bother."

"It's no trouble, no trouble at all." She sees the young girl's teeth chattering and adds, "Besides, You'll catch your death of cold if you stay in those wet things much longer."

Abby shivers. "I suppose you're right."

"Follow me." Thelma leads her down a long, bright canary-yellow corridor. Pictures of beautiful flowers decorate the walls on either side.

Elizabeth admires each one as they pass. I miss my house and all my beautiful things, she tearfully thinks, moving her finger around one of the frames.

Thelma sees her staring at the picture. "It's breathtaking, isn't it?"

" Yes, it is. It reminds me of a picture my foster-mom used to have years ago." She and her husband were the only ones who cared. Her husband became ill, and she was shipped away. Abby wipes a tear from her cheek and says, "I appreciate your help, really I do."

"I know you do, dear." Stepping aside, she adds, "Let's see if we can find something you'll like."

"Anything dry will do."

Elizabeth scans the array of overflowing boxes scattered about when they step into the storage room. "You have a bigger selection than the Wal-mart does."

Thelma laughs. "Donations have been good this year." She pulls clean clothes from a box and hands them to her. "What do you think about these?"It was a heavy wool sweater and insulated pants.

Abby gently glides her finger across the soft material. She inhales the fresh, clean scent as she brushes it across her face. I almost forgot what clean clothes smell and feel like. She breathes in the delightful smell again. She then recalls how she hated to do the wash. I'd give anything to be in my apartment again.

"Well, what do you think?"

"The sweater is beautiful, and the pants will keep me warm."

"I'm glad you like it. The bathroom is right around the corner. Clean towels are in there if you'd like to take a shower to help warm up."

Abby glances at her outfit. She knows her tattered clothes don't look like much, but it's what's been protecting her from the harsh elements the past few months. "What about my old stuff?"

"I'll wash and dry them so you can have them too."

Abby gazes out the window to find the snow falling harder than before. "I'm going to need all the extra layers I can get." She shivers at the thought.

"You're not planning on sleeping outside tonight, are you?"

Abby lowers her head. "I don't have a choice since all the shelters are full."

Thelma takes the young girl's cold, bony hands in hers. "You're coming home with me then."

"But I..."

Thelma squeezes her hands. "This isn't up for discussion. Get changed, and then we'll get you something to eat."

Abby glances at the keys again. I would've frozen to death if she hadn't taken me in.

Thelma and Ned gave her a place to stay until she could get back on her feet. They even called in a few favors to get her a fake ID.

She sees a note taped to the steering wheel when she walks towards the front. She then notices her name printed in bold letters across the top. She did know I was back there. Chuckling, she unfolds the paper and reads.

Dear Friend

You told us this day might come. So, Ned and I have been helping you prepare like we said we would. You'll find a few necessary supplies in the storage compartment. A new identity and a burner phone are in the glove compartment.

Ned wanted to do his part, so he bought you the van and licensed it under your new identity. The registration papers are in the glove compartment, along with a little change.

Stay safe, dear friend, and please call us often to let us know you're alright. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask, no matter what time it might be.

Friends Forever,

Thelma and Ned

She wipes the tears from her eyes and rereads the note.

"I'll never forget this," she cries. She reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out a stack of papers. She peeks inside the bank envelope. "There's a thousand dollars in there, if not more."

Turning on the phone, she dials her friend's number. The small device ring. The police might be monitoring her calls. Hanging up, She dials the hospital instead. "Please pass me to the OB department." She nervously glances around as she waits to be connected. Thelma answers a few minutes later. "Thank you so much. You're the greatest. I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you," Abby exclaims.... "I'll call again real soon, I promise." She wipes a tear from her cheek. "I will...I love you too." She disconnects. She pictures the couple in her mind. I love you guys more than you'll ever know. Sniffling, she dries her face again. Enough of the bawling; I need to get a map and then figure out where to go.

She starts to turn the key when she notices a folded piece of paper under the dash. Realizing what it is, she chuckles. "You guys thought of everything." She sees a sticky note in the corner. It reads:

"The highlighted area will take you to my friend's house. She's aware of your situation and has agreed to help. I programmed her address into your phone's GPS in case you'd rather use it."

"You guys know me too well." She laughs. She starts to reach for the phone when she hears a tapping noise beside her. She turns to find an officer by her door.