Praying for a Miracle

Stepping into the room, the nurse flips on the overhead light. "I'm sorry to wake you, Miss Mueller, but I need to check your vitals. It's the only way the doctor would agree to let you stay off the machines." The nurse turns to find Elizabeth's face is discolored and her chest is still. She checks for a pulse. When she doesn't find one, she lowers the head of the bed as she yells. "I need the crash cart in here, now," She's doing chest compressions when she hears code blue being announced over the intercom.

A team dashes into the room a few seconds later. One staff member inserts a breathing tube, while the second hook her up to the monitors.

The nurse checks the wires then glances at the machine again. "I'm not getting anything, doctor."

The doctor steps closer to her bed."Give her one ml of epinephrine and charge the paddles to 200 joules."