The intruder bangs again. A gruff voice yells, "We know you're in there, Manny. So, open the door before we break it down."
It's Esposito and his men. Fear surges through every cell on his body. Sweat gushes from every pour. He'll... He'll kill me if he finds me here. He owes the loan shark a substantial amount of money. A debt that should've been paid in full months ago. Being out of work Manny hasn't been able to come up with the large sum.
The man bangs again. "This is your last warning."
Manny runs to the window to find one of Esposito's men climbing the fire escape. He turns towards the door and sees it vibrating on its frame. I'm a dead man either way I go. His body trembles from the thought.
The intruder pounds relentlessly on the decaying barrier. The flimsy wood cracks upon impact. "Either open this door, or we'll break it down," the voice warns.
Hearing the commotion, a neighbor peeks his head out the door.