kim POV
I woke up at 4 in the morning and thought about taking a walk.
i was walking quietly when i heard people talking in student council.
I saw a small window so i look there and i thought 8 people talking
"D, what did the dear King say"The short man said
"He told me to get ready because soon we will do something.Seems like you want to do something J"The tall man named D answered
'My hands itch, It wants to kill"J replied with a smile
"So what do we do?" The woman with the S tattoo on the nape asked
I saw it because her hair was tied
"I think that we should just practice and wait for our lord's command for the day of the invasion. I'm sure that everyone here will be killed."said the man with the R writings on the back of his t shirt.
I think in all their outfits there are initials there are two more women that has A and E initials. There are also two men with C and B initials, I think those are the first letter of their names. I would have looked for a big window elsewhere to see their faces clearly but I accidentally step on the
Branches of wood that caused a little noise.
My chess is pounding like hell so I immediately teleported inside my dorm.
"I will know who is behind those codenames." I Said to myself.
I just read a book about other Kingdom that I bought when im on my way here. I came from a distant place and nothing special on that place. Back to the book base on what i read that there is another Nation called Sinister Nation in this dark part of the world where dangerous creatures live. The people who do not agree with the policy of the 5 nations is living here. it is led by Xyid Jouvempes brother of the current king of Diveryll Xyron Jouvempes.
I looked at the clock and saw 6 o'clock.
I got up and took a towel and went into the bathroom. After I take a bath I go straight to my walk in closet because im rich, just kidding. I have three walk in closets, one of my pants, and shorts, the other is for clothes and one for my shoes, and also include my jewelry. I picked some clothes that I will wear today,
my eyes landed on the clothes that i use when I was still in disguise, thats why i disguise because i keeping to be a low profile. I don't want to be the center of attention.
I picked my disguise clothes and threw it in the trash because im not gonna use it again, me being a nerd is over. Its time for my glow up, kidding. So this is the dress I chose
I wear yelow like brown polo, and I top it with color white retro knit vest. I wear it with jeans, white socks, and vintage lowtop yellow converse. I wear it with some rings and watch to complete my look.
And then after i wear my choices I go straight to my vanity when I put on some of my make-up . I saw the cosmetics I use to disguise. I took them and threw them in the trash.
I just applied wax to my hair, applied face powder and lipgloss to keep my lips from drying.
When I finished arranging myself, I took my bag, and came out of the dorm. This school is big actually it has malls, amusement parks, boutiques and many more. If I want, I can call it a town.
I was on my way to the room when I passed the table of those who bully me. I looked at my clock and It was only 7 o'clock, i still have time.
After passing in front of them I stopped and sat down next to Raven who was their leader and put his arm around his neck
"Hello, you still got out of the hospital. It's good that you woke up"I said to Raven teasingly
"wait who are you?"He said and removed my grip on his neck.
"I just punched you yesterday, you forgot?maybe my punch is strong enough for you forgot my name"I said to him
"Don't fool us, it's not you"
Mendel said
"Okay, I'll gonna go, see you later "I said and froze their bodies up to their necks. I got up and walked away
Hey kim, we believe na, can you please remove this.Gregor said with a smile
"Say please."
I said seriously
"Please"They said with a cold look
"I want it to be cute"I said smiling
"Please, remove it"They said, cutely and pout
'Hahahhahahha cute"I said and squeezed their cheeks and removed the ice
"bess I heard that there are 7 transferees who just moved into our school "- girl 1
"I heard that labyrinth seems to be their section" - girl 2
"Ohhhh weaklings" - girl 3
They said and laughed
I was wondering why the school allowed students to transfer in the middle of semester.
I just continued my walk when i feel someone was following me.i see a hallway which was not very crowded so I turned lefd and waited for them. When I saw them I immediately froze their feet
"Oh , why are you following me?"
I said while keeping my face looks serious
'We- j-just want to be sure that you will arrive at your room safely master."
Raven said , yeah my bullies following me
"I immediately stopped freezing their feet after he said that"
"So you want to keep me safe" l said
"Yes"They said at the same time
"Oh , you should have said that earlier"I said and i smile at them
"Lets go"I said and I walked towards the room but I felt that they did not follow me so I looked back and saw that they were just staring at my back
"Oh i though you will take me into my classroom"I said and looked at their faces
"Here we come"Nicholas said and walked with me
We walked a long way because the school is so big when we arrived we stopped in front of the room
"Oh i'm here, bye boys"I
"Bye boss. We gonna go first, ok " Raven said and wave thier hnads.
"By the way, treat your wounds"I said with a smile
As I entered the classroom I heard the man shout
"Wahhhhhh Big bro !!!!!!"
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