She’ll Kill Me.

The room suddenly became so silent that if a pin dropped, you'll have no problem hearing the sound. I've heard this before but why does it feel more real hearing it now? What are these feelings? As I stared at his eyes, for the first time in my life, I realized I want to keep staring at these mesmerizing orbs for as long as I'm permitted to.

"I told you I wasn't interested. I'm in love with Jason, I cant do that to you when I know deep within me that I'll always pick him." I said hoping to remind my heart of the truth. I watched as his eyes drooped in disappointment, he bent his head for a few seconds before looking back up.

"I know that but I've been friends with your family for years, I love your parents like they were mine. Don't do it cause of me, do it for them. I won't stand by and watch when I know something's wrong. I can't do it alone, I need your help." He said pleading with me with his eyes.

"Alright then. but..." My phone rang immediately cutting me off. I took it out and glanced at the caller. I gasped when I saw who was calling, she'll skin me alive. I picked the call.

"Hey, Adeline. How you doing?" I bit my lips as I anticipated her response. She didn't speak for the first few seconds but I knew I'm in trouble.

"Where are you, McKenna? I've been waiting for you for the past two hours." She said really quietly, her voice was so quiet that I became so worried.

"I stepped out with Dixon but I should be back home soon. You okay, Ada?"

"You naughty little girl, I came to your house and waited till you came out back from your appointment. You left me here and left with Dixon, that son of a sock without even telling me where you're going." She yelled through the phone as I removed the phone from my ear to protect my eardrums from exploding.

"I'm sorry, Ada. I'll come right away." I said and hung up the call.

"Is everything okay? You look worried when you answered the call." He asked with concern evident in his voice. His eyebrows were scrunched together in confusion as he waited for me to respond. How can he be so perfect in every way?

"Everything's okay. I completely forgot Adeline was at home with me when you came. I have to go, she's super pissed." I said with a genuine look on my face which showed I truly didn't mean to interrupt our little outing. I looked at my wrist watch before looking back up at him.

"Ohh, I totally forgot about that too. It's okay, let's go. I'll drop you off." He said and stood up, holding out his hand for me. I took it and followed him out of the building. Immediately we stepped out, the cool air immediately blew my hair back and my cheeks suddenly felt cold. I immediately stopped. He turned to face me.

"Let's race to the car." He raised his eyebrows at me. "The winner gets to drive Maya home."

"You're so on." Dixon said shaking his head, unable to hide the grin on his face as he watched me take off. He walked up to the driver's side where he saw me leaning against the door with my hands stretched out. He handed the key over to me before going to the passenger seat.

"You're lucky I'm scared of Adeline killing you if not I'm going to get back at you for cheating." I giggled pulling the car onto the road as we sped off.

"I didn't cheat. You were just super slow." I shrugged and winked at him before turning my attention back to the road. We wouldn't want a repeat of the past, would we now? I hear his chuckle. His chuckles sounds so beautiful like music to the ears, it always catches my breath and makes my heart beat a little faster.

"Do you mind if we meet up tomorrow for breakfast? We can talk about our plans since we didn't get to finish tonight." He suddenly asked.

"Of course, Liam's at a sleepover tonight, he'll go to school from there. So, yeah. I'll love that." I smiled at him as I put the car to the stop in front of a red light.

"Sounds like a plan then." He winked and started fidgeting on his seat. I looked at him from the side of my eye before turning back to the road.

"Are you okay? You seem uncomfortable." I asked.

"This seat is so uncomfortable and small. How can you seat comfortably here?" He complains as he tried to adjust the car seat. I laughed at him.

"No one asked you to be built with muscles and height. Like how tall are you exactly?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Well, a lot of girls appreciate that said attribute. It's my charm." He smirked. I pulled the car to park at the front of the hotel. I turned the car off and leaned back in the seat. I giggled as I saw Adeline in the lobby. Typical her.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. I have to go before she storms here to pull out with my hair." I chuckled as I pointed to Adeline who was standing at the entrance of the hotel stomping her feet impatiently.

"Well, I wouldn't want that. I love your hair right where it is." I laughed as I turned my head to the side in order to hide my blush. I picked up my purse and phone and stepped out of the car. Dixon got out of the car too.

"It was nice hanging out with you today, McKenna. I really enjoyed myself." He said looking deep into my eyes. I am getting used to it. Used to him. His words, his smiles, his chuckles, the way he stares at me like the only star in the sky especially when he thinks I'm not looking. He makes me feel beautiful in every humane way possible.

"MCKENNA!!!!!!! You little twat..." My eyes widened when I saw Ada in front of us. Uh oh, she's going to kill me and have my brain eaten by vultures. That's definitely not a sarcasm, she can do it even with her tiny stature. I wonder how she's so violent with her 5.5 stature.

"Hey, Ada." I whispered hoping to relieve a little bit of her anger before she goes all Hulk on us.

"Don't you even try that with me. You left me in your big apartment and left with him especially when you know I'm mad at him." She said pointing at Dixon.

"Ohh, come on Adelly. You can't possibly be mad at me." Dixon said giving her the puppy face. I stifled an 'aww' at how cute he looked.

"Fuck off, dude. I warned not to call me by that heavenly forsaken name." She pointed at me, "You, I want you upstairs in 2 minutes. 2 minutes." She said as she left.

"God, she can be a fucking monster at times." I nodded as I watched her leave.

"I'm gonna go catch up with her. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I started making my way towards the building.

"McKenna!!!!" I heard my name and turned around to see Dixon right behind me. He bent down and placed a chaste kiss on my right cheek. My world practically stopped as I felt my heart flipping in my chest. I feel like my heart is going to stop any minute. My knees felt so weak that I had to hold him for support. I felt my cheek burn, I practically felt fire on the spot his lips touched.

"Goodnight, Princess." He said smiling showing his perfectly white set of teeth.

"Goodnight, Dixon." I smiled back before finally entering into the building.