The Vandalism.

Third Person's POV.

He sat down quietly beside the almost lifeless body of the young man. He watched as he took low steady breaths with the help of the tube attached to his nose that supplied oxygen to his lungs. He moved his eyes to the bruises on his arm that seemed to be healing already before redirecting his gaze to his face.

He laughed at the helpless situation he's in. He loves this so much, it gives him an unspeakable joy. The victim's nurse, Sophia came in to check on her patient, she saw the mysterious man sitting beside her patient's bed and got confused on what he's doing there.

"Excuse me, sir but I don't think I've seen you around. Who let you in?" She asked with a clear look of confusion on her face. The man looked at her and smiled.

"I'm just visiting an old friend." He said standing up to leave. He adjusted his suit jacket and smiled at the nurse before finally leaving the room. Sophia watched the man's every move and shrugged before attending to her patient.


McKenna's POV.

I got to the company after 10 minutes of abnormal speeding, how I wasn't fined is beyond me. I rushed to get my things and immediately ran straight into the building, I nodded at the few people who greeted him and ran to the elevator. My phone kept dinging and ringing in my purse and I just knew it had to be Luke. The guy can be impatient sometimes.

The elevator opened and I saw Luke tapping his feet impatiently on the carpet with his hands in his pockets. He raised his head when he heard the elevator. He raised his eyebrows at me with his arms folded and I knew I messed up.

"I'm sorry?" I said giving him my best puppy face. He sighed and made his way to my office, I followed him quietly as I knew better than to start making small talks when he's angry. He opened the door and signaled for me to go in. I went in only to gasp at the sight in front of me. My office has been vandalized.

"After I got off the phone with you, I went back to the conference room to join the men that came to represent their company for the meeting and they asked for their files which I asked Jonah to bring to you yesterday. I asked Jonah to get the files and he called me to come see this." He waved around.

The office has been disorganized that I barely even recognized it. The table is thrown to the other side of the room, the files I carefully arranged the day before is all over the floor, the couch that I placed at the corner of the room has been displaced to the other corner and my computer system is thrown to the other side in the room. All in all, the office looks like a wreck. It's like an earthquake happened here overnight.

" Who did this?" I asked as I felt fear take over every part o my body. The room suddenly felt so small and I felt so afraid. Luke placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to his office. His office is at the far end of my office, he opened the door and led me to the chair in front of his desk. He sat down next to me and gently ran his hand through my back.

"Why would someone do that? I don't remember being mean or wicked to anyone here." I asked looking at him with my eyes glistened in tears.

"I don't know, baby girl but I don't think I can let you come here again not when your safety is at risk. At least until we've gotten to the root of all this, we have to keep you away." He said.

"What about Dixon's project? He has to have that company opened by the end of next month." I said.

"I can take care of that, I'll just have you work at Dixon's office. What about that?"

"You'll have me work for Dixon? As what? His P.A?" I unknowingly yelled at him. I mean I'm getting frustrated at this point, at first he made me work here as the CEO of course I didn't mind that since I won't be working that much. Now he wants me to work as someone's P.A. The hell!!!!!!

"What? NO...that's not what I'm saying at all. You'll just be working there temporarily till we know who vandalized your office. You guys are partners, I'm sure he'll be willing to help out." I felt myself calm down and I nodded. "I'll call him to let him know."

"What happened with the investor's meeting?" I asked him after sometime.

"I told them you had to stay at the hospital with Ian. They understood since they knew about what happened, they promised to have their secretary call Jonah to fix a new appointment." He responded as he placed the phone in his ear. I tuned out of his conversation with Dixon.


I remember the morning I had with him. I don't know what it is with that guy but he's so different. He makes me feel different, He's so understanding and caring and respectful. He treats me right, I wonder what it'll feel like working closely with him. A smile crept up to my lips involuntarily as I tried to play the scenarios in my head.

"What has you smiling like an evil mastermind?" I almost jumped out of my skin as I heard him speak. He chuckled before taking his place in front of me again.

"So what did he say?" I pretended not to hear what he said. He looked skeptically at me as he studied my face.

"You know for someone who was super mad at me for even suggesting this, you seem so happy. What's going on between you two? I happened to call his office this morning and his secretary said he hasn't resumed which is very unusual. So I thought who or what can make Dixon miss work?" He said still studying my face. I tried with everything in me to keep my face expression neutral.

"Why are you looking at me? I wouldn't know. I treated myself to a nice breakfast today and totally lost track of time." I shrugged my shoulders and looked away so he doesn't notice I'm lying.

"You really think I won't know when you're lying, Kenny? I was practically in the room when you were born, so you think I don't know you?" Of course, he just had to say that.

"You weren't in the room that day. You and Ian had to stay with Grandma, don't change the story." I rolled my eyes at him and folded my hands.

"Whatever, you get the message anyways. So what's up with you two? Are you finally giving in?" He asked.

"Something like that." I whispered trying to hide my smile. I heard sniffles and raised my head to see Luke wiping fake tears from his eyes.

"My baby is all grown." He ruffled my hair and I angrily slapped his hand away. "No wonder he was more than willing to have you in his company. can you believe he didn't even asked what happened? Y'all are suckers for love." He tsked and shook his head.

"First off, we're only dating to feel some blank spaces in my parents death. Secondly, we ain't in love." I said.

"What blank spaces?" He asked confused making me remember that only Dixon and I know there are some missing pieces in the puzzle regarding my parent's death.

"I'll fill you in later, I promise." He looked at me before nodding slowly.

"Well, Dixon said you can resume at his office on Monday. He said he'll contact you with the details. You're his girlfriend after all." He said winking at me. I groaned and stood up making my way to the door.

"I'll see you later, Uncle." I said to get on his nerves knowing fully well he hates that. He picked up a pen to throw at me but I ran out of his office laughing out loud.