A New Start.

McKenna's POV.

It's been a week since I received that text message. Luke, Dixon, and Adam have been super cautious since then. They made sure I had security everywhere I go. I don't think the guy or whosoever that was poses any threat to any of us, but they won't listen.

I'm currently with Ian in his room. I stared at his face as he took slow, steady breaths. Fortunately for him, he's able to breathe on his own now. I was so happy when the doctor said Ian is getting so much better and is likely to wake up soon. I haven't left his side since then. I kept my eyes open all day, so I will be the first he sees when he wakes up.

I asked him if he saw traces of drugs in Ian's system that froze his heart, but he said no. That heightened my suspicion that the text was probably a prank.

"He'll be here in ten minutes, you know."