Secrets Revealed!

Third Person's POV.

Adam stared helplessly at the documents in front of him. After he successfully hacked into the hospital's database the first time, he suspected foul play. When Dixon asked for his help, he knew something was going on.

'This is so confusing.' He muttered under his breath. He ran his hand through his hair as he stared at the forged death certificate of McKenna's parents. He knew it was an invasion of privacy to go through McKenna's stuff, but he also knew she wouldn't even want him to entertain the thought that her parents are still alive. The way she handled it the first time wasn't satisfying and encouraging enough.

After Dixon left with McKenna, he had secretly snuck into McKenna's room to look for anything that would prove his instincts right. He refuses to tell anyone anything until he was sure of his suspicions. After searching her room, He found her parents' death certificate in her suitcase.