Shocked, I turn around to see Jake's eyes boring holes at the guy. He was beyond pissed off. The other guy started arguing and telling him to back off when Jake gave him a murderous glare.
"Get the fuck away from her, kid."
What the hell was going on? I was looking at him with my mouth open, unable to even express my outrage at his outburst.
He growled in my ear, "Get your stuff, we are leaving. You obviously had too much to drink and I'm not leaving you here."
At this moment Hanna approached us.
"Uhm... Jess, what's going on? Are you okay?" She looked at Jake. "What the hell are you doing?"
He gave her a calm look that he obviously didn't feel and reply, "She had too much to drink and I'm not letting her here with some random guy pushing his tongue down her throat."
I gaped at him, Hanna standing and looking at me in confusion, but he just shrugged and pulled me away from them and towards our table. I started pulling out of his grip, but he wasn't having it. I looked back at Hanna for her help, but she just shrugged, clearly feeling there is more to it than I'm telling her. Traitor.
Finally, I let him drag me to the couch, taking my jacket and my purse and then walking awkwardly while being pulling behind him. Once we get outside I'm really standing my ground. But he diminished my plan when he didn't turn towards the exit, instead leading me the other way to the doors that said Employees only, and to my surprise, nobody stopped him. Did he actually work here?
Jake pushed me through the door and led me to one of the offices, closing and locking the door behind him. He was standing in front of me, pushing his hand through his hair and looking down at me angrily. I glared right back.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"What the fuck are YOU doing, Jessica? You get yourself drunk and start provoking everyone with your dancing and on top of that, letting some random guy kissing you? What the hell is this? I thought you are smarter than that! I'm sure your sister and Brian wouldn't approve of your behavior."
My blood boiled at his words.
"Oh, and kissing with you is fine? How do you dare accuse me of something like this? And pointing on Becca to make up for your irrational behaviour?! You are the one popping up each time with another woman on your arm!" I was yelling at this point already, "You are the one who is here with another girl and pushing his tongue down MY throat! Don't you dare tell me I'm the one who is acting inappropriately."
"The brunette, who obviously bothers you so much, is just an old friend, and I am not kissing her drunk and showing off in the middle of the dance floor. You are the one who went minutes after kissing ME to another guy, not caring who sees you and what this makes you look like."
"And what does this make me look like, Jake? Please enlighten me!"
I was breathing heavily, my chest rising with each breath, my cheeks flushed from the yelling and anger boiling inside of me. I tore the mask off my face at that point already, making sure nothing conceals my feelings. If he calls me a slut, I'm slapping him.
He pushed his hand through his hair, obviously being frustrated with me, and I could feel him biting his tongue before saying something that would make me even more furious. Apparently, my shooting daggers at him made him cool down a notch.
"Don't make me say something we will both regret. You are clearly drunk and in no state to continue our discussion. Now let me take you home, so I can survive the rest of the night in peace knowing you will be fine."
His answer somewhat surprised me and his genuine concern calmed me down as well. He is giving me a rollercoaster of emotions.
"Why do you care how and when I get home? You said you don't want me ruining your night. By all means, go! Continue your night with the brunette or Serena or whoever is on your list tonight."
Ok, clearly I didn't calm down yet.
This made his eyes darken again and he took a few menacing steps toward me, making me step back on instinct until I hit a desk behind me and had nowhere to go. He put each hand on the desk, locking me in with his body and leaned so close to me I could feel his breath on my lips.
I felt shivers through my body and all I could think was how his lips felt when we kissed. I wanted to lick him all over his sinful body, forgetting our stupid argument.
He hovered inches away from my lips.
"You just really need to provoke me, don't you? With the tantrum you are pulling off right now, it just makes me want to take you hard and rough on this desk and shut that smart mouth of yours."
This was it, I internally combusted from his words, and blame it on the anger still coursing through me, or alcohol or most probably the inexplicable attraction I felt towards him, but I grabbed his shirt in my fists, closing the remaining distance between us and crashing my mouth on his. I poured all my rage and inexplicable lust in the kiss.
Jake reacted immediately, putting his hands on the back of my thighs and lifting me in the air only to slam me down on the table, a bunch of papers and pens falling to the floor in the process.
He was standing between my legs, kissing me fiercely, his tongue invading my mouth, and sucking on mine, not giving any room for argument. He laid me down on the table, bunching up the dress around my hips and his arousal brushed directly over my black lace panties. I was already so wet and ready for him that I was going to come just from the friction of feeling him there. It was delicious torture and any reason I've had to stop this fled my mind.
He broke the kiss and started kissing my jaw, down my neck, to my cleavage, and leaving small bite marks in his wake. I was trembling with need and I couldn't stop myself from moaning when his hand found his way between my legs. I almost came when he touched me through my panties.
I couldn't stop myself anymore and I didn't care. I was beyond attracted to him and I decided I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts, devouring him in the process.
I started gripping his dress shirt, pulling apart the buttons while still biting on his lip and kissing him madly. Just as I was about to push my hands inside his shirt to finally feel his chest that I dreamt about for the past few weeks, someone loudly knocked on the door, making us freeze at the moment.
He abruptly removed his hand from between my legs when a voice spoke up.
"Excuse me, Mr. Adams, there is someone outside requesting your presence."
And just like that, the spell was broken yet again and I came out of my haze breathing heavily. I stood up from the desk and put my dress back down. He shut his eyes tightly, what looked like recollecting himself, and then replied to the person outside, "I'll be out in a minute."
He turned towards me with a pleading look desperately trying to catch my eyes, but I was already turning away not wanting to discuss what just happened. Mortification seeped in and I felt ashamed for how I behaved. Reality came crashing in an instant. He stayed silent while buttoning his shirt, giving up on trying to talk to me. He stopped momentarily in front of the doors before opening them.
There was a tall bulky guy standing outside, looking like a military soldier with his short-cut hair and a serious expression. But he had kindness in his eyes when he looked at me which made him a little less intimidating. Jake looked at me and then turned back to the guy.
"Jonathan, please make sure Jessica gets home safely. I will text you her address."
I looked at him confused not knowing how he knows my home address, but before I could comment anything he put his hands on my shoulders and spoke to me in his deep masculine voice.
"Don't fight me on this. I need to know you'll get home safely. And don't think we are done. We'll discuss what happened tomorrow when you are sober."
I couldn't form a proper response, just opening my mouth and closing them like a fish without water and he gave me one more long meaningful look before turning around. He stopped briefly to listen to what Jonathan whispered to him and then left the office without looking at me again. I looked up at Jonathan when he turned around and he gave me a small smile.
"Shall we, Miss Cavanagh?"
I guess my personal data is public knowledge around here. Bloody great!
I gave him a small nod, giving in to my situation, knowing it's not his fault I was in this mess. Jonathan led me out through the back exit and opened the door of a shiny new black BMW. He let himself to the driver seat and pulled out on the street.
All the way home I was jumping through emotions of embarrassment, anger, disappointment, and desire still burning inside of me. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was much sober than a few minutes ago.
How will I ever look into his eyes again? It's not like I can avoid him for the rest of my life. He was so dangerous for me, but for some reason, my body didn't care. It was burning with lust, craving his touch. I can safely say I got myself in a pretty big mess.