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Chapter 20

"Jess, come on, drink up."

"Shit, Han, my head is spinning and we didn't even leave the apartment yet."

"It's freaking New Year's. You are supposed to be drunk even before the clock hits midnight and turn us all in pumpkins."

We are all laughing like hyenas, impossible for anyone to not realize how drunk we are. Well, I am still angry about Jake. And disappointed. And sad. And furious. And it is New Year's Eve. So I have plenty of reason to drink my ass off.

All of us girls are sitting on the couch at Hannah's place, drinking some yummy cocktails that I probably don't want to know what they are made of and getting ready for a crazy night out. We are going to our favorite spot, the coolest pub in our town that is our getaway at least once a month. And from then on, wherever we feel like it.