Staring at myself in front of the mirror, looking at the blonde wig through the mirror that I’ll use on my head, I’m standing in front of the mirror with Lena behind me who put an adorable blonde wig to my head, my mind keeps thinking about how could my love overtake me. I’m wearing a navy coat with a white shirt inside meanwhile, Lena wears a black coat and glasses. If I could describe how us now, we more look like models or rich lesbian couple than drug dealers.

I look different in blonde. I guess no one will recognize me when I visit my family’s house in Jersey because of that wig. “How if the officer off this out of my head?” I say as I point my gaze to Lena through the mirror. Lena chuckle “No, they wouldn’t! This thing… is tighter than an actual human hair… and they have no time to check on your hair babe” She laughs softly. “How about if there’s rain when we got there?” I ask worriedly.