Chapter Two – The Sorting Ceremony
After a while, the train came to a stop. I was jumping up and down in the carriage with loads of excitement.
"Oh, we're here! Ahhhh I'm so happy" I shouted.
"Bit excited are we Sierra?" George asked.
"Well....just a little bit" I replied. Aiden and George both stood up along side me and we all made our way to the great hall ready to be sorted into our houses.
"Aiden Reef" Professor McCloskey shouted. He smiled at George and I before going up and sitting under the hat.
"Another Reef, I see...." the hat started
"Quite mischievous indeed. Potentially a Meager hey...? No? I've got it.....Gillway " the had finished off. Everyone in the great hall started clapping and cheering and Aiden went off to sit next to his older brother Peter.