
The atmosphere became still, dust particles danced around in the sun-rays that penetrated the room, through the open windows, but its effect was wasted on Chilonis, who was harbouring an outrage, feeling it rile up inside of her uncontrollably.

“I'll ask again.” a frightful frown was clearly visible on Chilonis's face. “Where is my sister?”

The weird girl chuckled loudly, her laughter was nerve wrecking and infuriating, like that of a cackling hyena. “You think I am afraid of you, angry? . . . How can a mother be afraid of her child?—”

“You're not my mother! My mother is Arachidamia II, Regent of Potnia—”

“Oh! Spare me the details. There’s a lot I know about her, for she is my child too . . . I see your eyes are blind to the truth in front of you. And pertaining your other question, your sister is on a vengeful mission, she’s nearly up the forested hill at this moment,” said the weird girl, whimsically.