Tiki was holding a tray of rotten pigs entrails that smelled repulsive, making it hard for him to breathe, but surprisingly the vestal accompanying him didn't seem to mind, a cloak-like white satin covered her head, so he could barely make her face out, under the night sky, but Tiki didn't seem to mind, sometimes he needed the unknown.
“Its right here.” said the vestal, she pointed towards a large garden, and as they walked Tiki saw a variety of colorful flowers.
“What is this place called,” he asked, he was astonished that such natural beauty existed in the realms; he was excited by its discovery.
“How would a vestal, not know of this place?” replied the vestal, Tiki noticed that her voice was pleasing.
“I'm new.” responded Tiki, desperately looking for a lie. “Should we sprinkle the entrails now? To complete the rites,”