There was a path, a path made by soil, shattered stones, and pebbles that lay disorderly, like the whole construction was an afterthought of some kind. At both sides of the path stood huts; series of a dozen of them on each side. The huts were peculiar to say the least; they were made of brownish muddy clay and were roundly shaped, with no windows or doors, just a circular opening at the façade that acted as an entrance and exit.
Strangely, the huts had no roof, because inside of each hut was an erected tree stringing out of them; they had a thick brownish bark. The trees were stout and only covering the huts in which they were erected in and their branches and leaves acted as a roof, their greens were outstretched and spanned a large radius, protecting the bizarre structure from the brashness of the weather with their leaves and branches.