I look at the unconscious lady in front of me and turn my eyes at the journal I was holding.

For other people, the journal looks empty but for me once I open it.

The words just appear letter by letter.

The story is entitled "His World" and written by Vaughn.

As I read,

The story starts from here.

Shier P.O.V.

"SHIER COME BACK HERE!!!" Laughter echoed while I run at my full speed, I don't want to be caught not that Heed can do that.

Heed is my guard and my friend.

He always protected me no matter what but I always ended up running away from him.

I can't blame him for intruding on my life and tell him not to do and have to do.

I guess it's his job, but what can I do? I wanted to be free and do what I want to do.

I am a demon prince of the Smerte Clan.

The Smerte clans are tear catchers, who collect tears of agony, sadness, fear, and especially my favorite pain.