Nadie's P.O.V.

Fast forward...

"I thought you don't trust me?" She asked while we are currently hiding in the basement of the hotel.

I extend my arms and reach her forehead.

"Why did you say that?." I asked.

"Because you're still aloof with me, I guess." I stood silent within the boundary of shadow and a silhouette of light. Since silence is what hyria here for ages, She took it as a yes.

"Then why are you here?"

"I am just curious."

"Of what?" I can't tell her that I am curious whether she is crazy or just brave enough.

I mean, I just saved her earlier from danger and she is walking in the same direction again.

But even without that reason. Somehow I want to protect the very first person who knows I exist.

She didn't even say that I am disgusting.

"Nothing.” That is the only thing I could say.

“Why are we here again?" I asked, wishing that would change the subject.

"Do you remember the story I told you earlier?
