“That’s enough! We have to go home.” His arms held me, while my whole body was lifted to the ground. I tried to pull him, but he was so strong.

“I have to find--” I opened my mouth to say something but he looked at me.

“We are going to find it later. This place is quite dark, so we have to be careful.” He said with a serious face.

“You said that my unluckiness will fade if I am beside you, so I will be okay.”

“When did I say that?” he said while wearing his half-frowned face.

“The other night.”

“When?” My face flushed as I remembered the time when I cried.

“The time when I interrogated you.”

“Ahh… What I mean is I will do everything to protect you, so you can have a higher chance of survival.

But that does not mean that your unluckiness will go away. Look at this." He pointed to his feet with blood dripping on the floor.

"You injured yourself just by walking.”

“That’s cheating!”

“That is why we have to go home. We are not safe here.”