I stretched my left leg, It felt numb for a while. My hand moved to find and reach to hug my pillow, but somehow I can’t find it.

I can feel the warmth of the sun touch my skin, and the chirp of the birds keeps ringing in my head as if they are telling me to move and wake up.

The next thing I knew I'm falling. Thinking that I am still in a dream...

My mind goes back to reality when I heard something fall on the ground.

After a few seconds, I felt the pain in my body that eventually became numb. I can’t even move for a moment.

I don’t know how long I waited, but I moved my body flat to the ground and saw a green leaf that dances through the wind along with the singing of the birds.


Then my vision focused on the branch above me.

I remember that I climbed to that place and slept there.

“Oh, I fall…” So I thought It was part of the routine of my daily life.