A strong wind almost ravages me and my black coat is harassing my body due to the impact of the wind.

I look at the lightning ball, and nothing happened.

It didn't vanish.

It grew faster, Even Cerez dropped to her knees and looked at Shier as if she loses everything already.

The lady with the white fur is standing far away from Cerez at her back are Yllac and Solen lying on the ground.

The lady walks towards Cerez and calls her name.


“Sister! Why is the ball getting larger this much? The Angel, Roa agreed to save us!” She reaches out to Cerez and looks at him.

“You have to be brave and patient. Don't question heaven's will."

"But it is growing big, sister what can I do," Cerez said while freaking out.

"You have to ought as one and do the ritual.” Cerez looks at her with confusion.

“What do you mean?” The lady’s hand lift her and reach Cerez's face.

“The act of bond.” She whispered while Cerez was speechless as if thinking about something.