Thabor City 2004. The story begins with a young boy named Ruben who was 7 years old and in 3rd grade, at school he was mistreated a lot to the point that they made him cry. That day the bullies hit him and then rang the bell to leave, when the boy arrived home there was no one there, he started to call his parents and even his grandfather but no one answered, he turned to look for them and saw that on the shelf, next to the family photo there was a note that said: "your grandfather is in the hospital, he is waiting for you". Once in the hospital some nurses were taking out a dead patient and the boy thought it was his grandfather and started to cry, his mother hugged him and told him: "he is waiting for you in the room... he said he would not leave this world until he talked to you". Quickly the boy went running to the room and when he entered he could not hold back the tears, approaching the stretcher the grandfather hugged him and said: -Don't be sad I will always take care of you, I want you to keep this- giving a necklace to the boy, when he saw it he noticed that it had a pendant in the shape of lightning observing it for a while, it was so bright and golden that it looked like a mirror reflecting everything in it. After putting it on, the old man began to cough more and more, he looked at the young man saying: "I have no more time left but I want you to promise me something". The boy looked him in the face with doubt asking him what the promise was, the old man with a big smile on his face looked him in his eyes saying: "once I had a big dream, in which you were there... you were capable of doing great and wonderful things, but you were not alone you helped someone to fulfill his dream and with it illuminated yours... I would like that dream to be real, do you promise me that you will try to do it? Ruben with a sad face took his hands, between tears he told him: "I will not give up until I achieve it, grandfather... I will not let you down"; when the old man heard this, with a smile on his face, he stopped living and went to the other world.
Two years went by and Ruben was already 9 years old, wondering since then who was that person his grandfather had mentioned. One day, thinking about it, he was walking down an alley towards a very long, lonely and vacant lot about the size of a stadium, suddenly a soccer ball came to his feet, and he was astonished to see it, because he had never played this sport, he didn't even like it; he kept looking at it for a while until a boy a year younger than him shouted: "Hey you, pass me the ball! At that moment Ruben grabs the ball with his hand, he goes to where he was handing it to him, annoyed by this action the young stranger says: -you don't know how to play soccer, why don't you pass it to me with your feet- Ruben doubtfully answers: -actually... I have never played this sport, I don't even like it-; the surprised boy answers him: -I have never heard of a child around here who doesn't like soccer, let's play... so I can teach you, you will see that it's fun-. Without being able to say no for an answer, the young man began to play with that mysterious boy a sport that even he did not know how to play.
As the boy was teaching him things the young man was learning more and more until the afternoon fell, they both started to drink water, Ruben looked at the sky and without any doubt he asked him, "What is your name?
-What is your name? The tired boy answered with a smile on his face:
-My name is Diego, what is your name," Ruben answered:
-My name..., I am Rubén", at that moment a small gust of wind passed by and lifted up the necklace that the grandfather had given him, the boy asked him when he saw it:
-And that necklace? It looks very strange-; in an instant the young man became sad but with all the courage he had he said:
-Actually... this necklace was given to me by my grandfather before he died two years ago and I promised him that I would fulfill his dream-. Hearing this, Diego lowered his head and became a little sad, but with some curiosity he asked her:
-Ruben took a sigh and without thinking he told him everything. After this, the young man paused, swallowed dryly, shedding tears on the earth of that great land, immediately raised his head and with a happy face said: "That is the promise I want to fulfill:
-What is your dream?" The astonished boy answered:
-My big dream... is to become the best soccer player of all, I will not give up until I get it - with a smile on his face - I like you, you are already my friend, and from now on I will call you "Rubencho" and... I will help you to fulfill my grandfather's promise if you help me to fulfill my dream, ok? - Between laughs the young man said to him:
-Rubencho... It doesn't sound bad- looking at the sky- all right; it's a promise, isn't it?
The two shake hands in a rare and unique way, thus closing a promise that will start a great story. Two months went by, as Rubencho was helping Diego with soccer, the more they were learning more about this sport and the more he liked it; One day the boy was going to introduce Rubencho to a small soccer team that he had but the others did not like it when they saw him, on the contrary they hated him, immediately one of them asked Diego that if he did not attend the practices in all that time because he was with that thing; the annoyed boy answered him: "Shut up, you don't know him, you don't even reach my level! When he heard this, the boy made an arrogant face, with a naive and somewhat wicked laugh he said: -you don't even know what I am capable of-, in that instant he kicked the ball with such force that flames came out of it, going directly to Diego's face, out of nowhere Rubencho pushed him to the side placing both hands in front of him starting to stop the ball his hands were getting weaker he almost had no strength left until remembering his grandfather and the promises he had made he took strength from where he didn't have and amazingly stopped the ball. The boy was so astonished and scared that he ran away with the others, helping Diego to get up, and the young man asked him: -Will I be good as a goalkeeper? - after that a person appeared and approached them saying that his name was Bruce and that he was offering them both the opportunity to make a team to help soccer to be like it used to be. Both of them realized that after this they could start to fulfill this promise, with many doubts Rubencho asked him: "What will the name of the team be?
-What will be the name of the team?
-After thinking about it for a while the young man looked at the necklace that his grandfather had given him full of happiness and holding it in his hand he said: "I have it!
-I have it! We'll call it... Thunder World- and that's how this great story begins.