CHAPTER 3: "First Play".

Days after forming Thunder World, Diego and Enderson were helping Rubencho to tidy up the room where grandpa slept, they were taking things out to donate them when Diego asked the young man:

-Wow! Your grandfather really had things-

-Yes... he liked to collect them, he said they reminded him of his past," Rubencho answered while he grabbed one of the boxes.

At that moment Enderson, who was carrying one of the boxes, tripped over a box and a box that was behind him fell from there, alarmed he told the others about the finding and when the young man opened the box he was surprised by what it contained: there were some goalkeeper gloves, a book, and photos, the young man was surprised to see the photo of his grandfather in a soccer team, Diego with curiosity says to him:

-I didn't know your grandfather played soccer-?

-But I know who can give us an explanation," said the young man with a serious attitude.

The young men go to Rubencho's father and showing him the box, Rubencho tells him: "Find this among Rubencho's things:

-I found this among my grandfather's things... why didn't you tell me about it?" looking at the photos the father answers:

-excuse me... I forgot to mention it to you, your grandfather was once a great soccer player and even did great things before he had me... before he died he told me that if you started playing soccer he would give you these things... you would know what to do with them, grandfather was a little clumsy because he never told me where he had them!

The happy young man when he found out that he was following his grandfather's path and that he had left him some things decided to take them to the stadium to show them to everyone. Once there he tells everyone about how strong his grandfather was and the things he had entrusted to him, Bruce looks at one of the pictures and surprised says:

-There is a detail you should know... the one who inspired me to do all this was your grandfather - everyone was impressed and the young man with many doubts asks him:

-Bruce sits up and looks up answering: "Yes... he was a very noble man:

-Yes... he was a very noble and kind man, he taught me all the good things about soccer.

The young man is impressed, checking the box more thoroughly he notices that there was a diary and when he checked it on the first page was written a text that said: "To whoever is worthy of possessing this diary: is to know everything about soccer, even the deepest secrets... if at some point any of my descendants gets my diary, I want him to become as strong as me, the greatest thing you must know about soccer is that power is not obtained by force the real power will arise when you manage to connect your soccer with others... do not let it fall into the wrong hands follow your dreams and never ever give up"; the impressed young man continues to review the diary realizing that it contained soccer techniques but there was a problem the handwriting was almost illegible, one of the boys Omar tells him:

-how exaggerated is your grandfather-.

-Hey! We can become very strong with this information," Rubencho replied happily as he continued to review the diary.

After this discovery Bruce told the team that they would have their first match and that if they won they would qualify for the City Cup. The first team to face Mairen FC was not a very strong team but it was said that one of their players, the captain, was very strong in a way never seen before, the technical director of that team sent for him and told him: "How are you feeling?

-How do you feel?

-I am better than ever, I am ready to destroy anyone who is weak..." said the player with an evil look on his face.

After this conversation the director was convinced that he would win, on the other hand in Thunder World the training was intensive since they had to win to qualify and the days before the match were tiring. Just that week it was decided that the match would be at the Thunder Camp as part of the inauguration, when the day arrived while they were getting ready everyone decided that the team captain would be Diego, Rubencho looked at the captain of Mairen FC and immediately felt a strange sensation so much that his hands began to shake, after this event the match began; the first kick was for Thunder World, everything was going well, they connected passes but when Diego got to the captain, he took the ball from him as if nothing, when he got to the defense, Enderson said: -When he got to the defense, Enderson said: "this way you will not pass" and made his technique "Big Tidal Wave", but the captain of the other team kicked the ball and made a shot called lethal buck, this quickly passed the defensive technique and went straight to the goal, Rubencho looked at the ball, he put his feet firm and made his technique "Big Tidal Wave", but the captain of the other team kicked the ball and made a shot called "Komba Mortal", Rubencho looked at the ball, put his feet firm and made his personal technique "Thunder Punch" it seemed that the technique stopped the ball but as the young man tried to stop the ball he felt a shiver remembering that it was similar to that of that time, when he defended Diego of his former team he could not and the ball went into the goal scoring the first goal for Mairen FC, the young man looked at the captain of that team and with an evil look he told him: "I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting, I'm just starting": -barely, I'm just starting, get ready to suffer- At first the young man was scared but he stood up following the match, Thunder World couldn't get to the goal but they didn't let the other team's forward touch the ball either, until the first half came to an end, during the break Kitty provides water to the whole team, while he was refreshing himself Rubencho kept thinking about that strange sensation he felt in his body, Diego approached him asking him:

-What's wrong with you? You look strange since before the game, are you all right? Rubencho looks at him and lowers his face answering him:

-I have a bad feeling about Mairen's captain... I know he's hiding something and it's not good".

The young man noticed immediately that what he was saying was serious and he was left with many doubts, on the other hand Bruce encouraged the team, telling them to concentrate on the offense so that they could find an opening, looking at Rubencho he said: -do your best and don't let that ball enter the goal, I believe in you- Arrived the second half the Mairen secondary takes out, in that the captain of that team dribbled with the ball passing everyone easily until he stopped and said: "it's time to show everyone what Mairen FC is made of was suddenly when a spirit emerged from the back of the striker and he called saying: -Miracles Knight of despair arises- immediately after this he made his special shot "desperate cut" and the ball was covered with a black energy followed by the spirit, destroying all the players in its path and when it reached the goal Rubencho tried to do his technique but the overwhelming power of the spirit entered the goal scoring the second goal for Mairen, when the young man tried to get up the captain of Mairen approached him telling him between evil laughs: -How weak they are! They will never match this power... the power of Zone Zero - the young goalkeeper was surprised and afraid to see that such power came from something unknown, and that apparently the chances of winning to qualify were few.