CHAPTER 8: Diego Vs. Reimon: Soul that roars!

At halftime, Thunder World was in trouble, they only had a few minutes to find a replacement for Carlitos. Rubencho looks to where Reimon was, grabs his necklace and says to himself: -we can't lose... grandfather I need to keep my promise, help me-. Almost immediately a boy got off a bus in front of the stadium, looked at the big screen and listened to the narrator who was saying:

-Thunder World will find a player, they have little time left, they will lose by default," the mysterious boy smiled and said:

-I arrived just in time... it's time to act- The mysterious young man runs into the stadium heading to where Thunder World was and tells them:

-I think I'm just in time, aren't I? I see you need a hand.

- Javier," said Diego and Rubencho, happy to see his arrival.

-Just in time my friend... come, greysi give him the uniform," says Rubencho, Javier changes and then Marcos mentions to all of them:

-hold on... we already solved one problem but we have another one how will we pass the imperial barrier?

- I think I have the solution... I was watching the game in the bus and I realized that that barrier closes in a certain time interval, we should be able to find that interval to achieve an effective pass- analyzing the idea Bruce tells them:

-That's a good idea... Rubencho I'm counting on you-.

The second half started and Thunder World took off. Alejandro approaches the midfielders and immediately they make the imperial barrier but it was so fast that no one could hit the interval Reimon grabs the ball saying: -This is power, Dark Lion Dark Knight rises! his Monster comes out and before reaching the defense he launches his special attack "great imperial cut" destroying everything Rubencho takes out his Monster Thunder Lion who with his special technique tries to stop the ball but he can't, Lionkat scores his first goal; Thunder World takes out again but this time Reimon takes the ball from Marcos, he goes forward taking out again his Monster but this time Diego gets in his way saying: -this time it's my turn! I will protect my friends- almost immediately he gets pumped by such a power, but he gets up again, again and again he is pumped by the Monster Reimon looks at him saying: -how pathetic! you try to sacrifice yourself for your friends, look how weak you are... you are no match for me, protect your friends... you can't even get up... bye! at that moment Reimon was going to kick the ball but the young man kicks it again, with all his strength he tries to stop it, taking out the strength he had left he says to Reimon:- I won't give up! my friends need this ball, you won't get out of here! immediately Diego's Monster appears, he calls him saying: "Come on, Diego's Monster! -come on, night knight, Royal Wolf- this Monster was a wolf knight with his shining blue armor, with a big sword and a shield the two Monster faces clashing their strength, this was so tremendous that the ball goes upwards the young man was very tired so he could not keep the Monster for long taking advantage of Reimon who evaded the defense and when he reached the goal he made his special attack again, this time Rubencho made the Thunder Punch Double Reimon tells him:

-You see what power is, you are tired, you have no power or energy to continue... we have a lot of power, we have pushed our bodies to unimaginable limits and look at us... this, this is power", trying to stop the ball the young man answered:

-power... that is not power, the real power is obtained from the union with your team and your friends when you train with your heart, when your friends believe in you... that bond, that is what makes you stronger, that is the real strength!

After this, Rubencho's Monster comes out, making the double Thunder Punch technique adapt to it, making it in the form of a whirlpool, everyone was surprised to see what the Monster did. The young man manages to stop the ball, Reimon is impressed and thoughtful, apparently those words were true, he passes the ball to Omar and saying: -Come on, we still have energy and time left! He gives a pass to Marcos who enters the barrier and manages to see an opening behind him, instantly coming up with an idea making a pass backwards to Alejandro who receives it performing his great flare technique, the strange thing was that the technique was directed upwards Diego jumps, manages to get the ball and managing to pass the defense summons Royal Wolf doing his special attack "Full Moon Cut" the goalkeeper takes out his Monster "imperial defensive turret" but he fails to catch the ball giving the tie to Thunder World. Reimon looks at Rubencho and Diego and suddenly he started to play soccer in a normal way, without hurting the others and managing to connect passes with his teams, he didn't even take out his Monster! It seemed as if the words that the young goalkeeper had said made him react; when he arrived to the defense Javier with his "Great Jungle" technique takes the ball away, giving the pass to Leonel who says: - Diego, Marcos, Alejandro, now! giving them the ball and performing the Thunder Storm technique, Reimon running towards the goal goalkeeper says: "I won't give up" and tries to stop the ball kicking it but it was too much power and the goalkeeper couldn't stop it, scoring the second goal, ending the time and giving the victory to Thunder World.

Reimon approaches Rubencho, shakes his hand and says: -Good game, I had fun!- the young man is happy to see that he was able to make such a team and more than a great player understand the good things about soccer. While Thunder World celebrates, Reimon tells his team: "I am going to retire from this team... I have a path to follow and a real cause to fight for", after giving the captain's sash to Jhos, he goes to Rubencho and tells them: - I'm sorry for hurting you all... I know I'm not worthy to be here, but I want to help you in your cause if you allow me... I will make amends for all the damage I did to you- the young man bowed as a knight bowed before his king, everyone was silent Rubencho approached him giving him his hand and said: -we need all the help we can get back the light and the smile, I know you will be a great help to soccer... Welcome to the team! - although some were not entirely convinced, everyone celebrates not only the team's victory but also the fact that Thunder World is starting to achieve its mission