The next day at the hospital Diego was crying sad for some unknown reason. in the Thunder camp everyone was gathered to know which was the next rival, in that Diego arrived but he had a strange face was a sad face and his face did not look like always when he noticed this Rubencho approached him asking him:
-Are you ok? You look a little depressed.
- I'm fine... you don't have to worry, let's go, we have to find out who our next rival is- answered the young man in an arrogant way.
Seeing the way he had answered him, Rubencho realized that something very bad had happened to him and it seemed even stranger that he had not mentioned it to him. In the Tactical room Bruce mentions to the others:
-Kitty could not come today, so Valentina will give you the information today- valentina takes the floor saying:
-The next opponent to face will be the second strongest team in Zone Zero, the Zero Head, but... there is something strange, the stadium where we are going to play is - looking at the Tablet - here in the Thunder camp - everyone is surprised and Reimon comments to Bruce:
- that's strange... why does Ground Zero want the next game to be here?
- I don't know, but they seem to be up to something," Bruce answers.
Rubencho looks at Diego who still had a very different face although nobody noticed it, the young man took his necklace saying to himself: -Something is not right... Why do I have a bad feeling?- on the other hand in Zone Zero, Zed sends for the captain of Zero Head, Hant and tells him:
- Hant... I need you to do me a favor, you see on that screen that is the captain of Thunder World I want you to do everything you can to make sure that he joins us.
- Don't worry Mr. Zed, I won't let you down," Hant replied.
- Perfect... you may leave- after Hant leaves, Zed sees Diego's picture on the screen and says:
-Thunder World... -thinking for a while- wow... how far you've come old man-.
The day of the game arrived, Rubencho looked at Diego noticing that he was depressed and worried when he saw him like that, he asked him: "Are you scared that we won't win?
- Are you scared that we won't win? I have full confidence in the others, come on, you have to smile.
- It's ok, we have to win- the young man answered him.
After this the match started, Thunder World had the kickoff and Diego was dribbling the ball when he got to Hant he made his attack “Fast Novs" taking the ball from him and pumping it to the floor before moving forward he looked at him and said: - After this the player continued forward and before reaching the defense he passed the ball to another player who made an attack called explosive meteor knocking down the defensive techniques, passing the ball back to Hank who approached the goal and made his attack space meteors in response to this Rubencho made the double Thunder Punch but could not with such a technique giving the first goal to Zero Head. Thunder World came out again, again and again Diego was pumped by Hant's attack the rival team started to score goals one after another leaving the score 5-0 the young captain was on the floor all hurt and Hant approached him saying: - accept it... you don't have enough power, you are weak, I don't think you should be with them, do you? In the second half the score was 7 to 0 winning Zero head, Diego was approaching Hant but this time the young man used a Fast Howl, in response the captain of the rival team used his Fast Nova and the collision of the two made the young man go out pumped leaving the ball in the air Hant managed to get the ball approaching the young man and telling him:
-You see? You are weak... you need more power and you won't find it next to those losers- when hearing this the young man got angrier, standing up and between tears he answered him:
- Suddenly, a dark aura was released from his body and his eyes turned yellow, but his Monster looked different, his armor turned blue and he had a horn and a thick white hair. Everyone was surprised at such a situation, Rubencho seeing what had come out of the young man said: - Diego... What have you done?