CHAPTER 13: "Tears of thunder"

Reimon and Valentina were looking for Rubencho everywhere in the middle of the storm until they arrived at a park and found him sitting on a swing, sad, doing nothing and getting wet, Valentina was worried and told Reimon:

- I've never seen him like this... I'm worried about him-.

- Here, I'll go look for him," says Reimon to Valentina as he gives her the umbrella.

The young man goes to where Rubencho was and says: -Let's go, you can't be here alone... getting wet and cold, come on, you have to recover- the boy agrees and they both take him home. Days went by, the young man had not attended any of the practices since then, Reimon and the others were worried because he was not like that, he had not missed any practice, so they all decided to go to his house to see what was wrong; they rang the doorbell and the boy's father came out, at that moment Reimon said:

- Rubencho is here... we are worried about him, he hasn't been to practice and we want to know how he is doing.