The next day Rubencho was sitting in the bleachers of the Thunder camp thinking about the dream he had had, Bruce was picking up the balls, when he observes him, noticing the concern in his face, he asks him:
- Is something wrong? You look worried-
- Something... I had a very strange dream I was facing Diego and when we collided our Monsters everything went dark and suddenly some wings came out, the weirdest thing was a voice that told me "the light and the darkness... two souls will collide the light will evolve and the darkness will be extinguished"... I don't know what it means, what am I supposed to do?
- Unbelievable! I know who can help you... let's go to the AFTC-
The young man followed Bruce to AFTC hoping to find some answers. Once there, the young man tells old Freddy about what happened, and Freddy is impressed: