In the coach they all stood firm to what Professor Burns had told them, at which point Reimon gets up from his seat and asks him:
- Okay, but I suppose you have any idea where they are?
- Actually... no - everyone is perplexed Diego says to Dan:
- Are you sure he's a great scientist?
- Now I'm not so sure - at that moment the bio-android says through a kind of loudspeaker:
- This is Captain Freiligrath reporting, we seem to have a reading," Professor Burns looks at his tablet and says:
- let me see... this is amazing! We have the location of the first Fragment, I'll send you the coordinates Freiligrath!
- More respect sir! Captain Freiligrath! - The professor with a sarcastic face says:
- I'm sorry... Captain Freiligrath, I'll send you the coordinates-
- Ok sir, let's go there!
- does that always happen? - Rubencho asks Dan.
- relax... you'll get used to it-