CHAPTER 14: Mixed feelings back to Myokobu Island!

Our heroes left the time tunnel towards their next destination, suddenly Rubencho began to hear the sound of the waves and immediately the place seemed very familiar to him sending Captain Freiligrath to land, he landed on an island and when Rubencho got out of the ship he immediately recognized the place where they were, it was Myokobu Island! The young man was very excited to have returned to the place that made him stronger, at that moment Reimon asked him:

- Is this the place where you had come to train? It looks very paradisiacal-

- Yes... here I could become stronger and I could bring you back my friend- referring to Diego- and it's not paradisiacal at all believe me-

- Wow! Amazing! - mentioned Diego.

- come on, let's go inside... I want to show you something-