Chapter 16- The Definition Of Okay

We crept through the darkness. No one spoke; we didn't know if there was a guard inside or not. If this was a Nancy Drew adventure, then Lydia would have a set of skeleton keys. But alas, this is real life, which meant we had to awkwardly climb the metal gate. Lydia effortlessly made it to the other side. Lukas followed behind. Me however, being me, caught my shirt on the rusty metal spikes, causing it to rip. I untangled it with a fair bit of difficulty and joined Lydia and Lukas on the other side.

I would really love to say it was all smooth sailing after that, but it wasn't. There wasn't just one guard but two. Two armed men. Versus us without weapons. Lydia decided it was better to slip past them rather than risk a bullet wound in one of us. We got till the boat before hell broke loose.