The week flew as quickly as it came. The weekend was awful. I stayed in my room through out to avoid coming in contact with my dad.
On Sunday, Tyler refused to go to church with us. He said he couldn't sit and listen to our dad preach as if he was a holy man who could do no wrong.
Instead, he accompanied Keisha to the church she attends which is Catholic. My father was furious but couldn't take action for he knew he was wrong. He would be delusional to think otherwise - even for a split second.
I on the other hand, followed my parents to church but I sat on the last row at the back seat. People gave me weird stares all through three hours of service. I could care less.
I could have covered my face with a scarf but I actually wanted them to see me. For once in my life, I actually craved attention. Let them stare. Let them whisper. Let them talk.
I closed my locker and came face to face with the devil himself; Jeremy