Crossroad of the Past and Future-The Birth of a Myth

[You have met all the 'Absolute' gods]

[The 'Hero King' title is awakening]

[The previously sealed effects of the 'Hero King' title have been unsealed]

[After leaving the presence of the absolute god, you'll assimilate with the previous 'Hero kings']

Grid was met by an unexpected reaction. 'Hero king' was a title given to the king of heroes, a title he acquired after freeing the Behen archipelago. However, he always wondered if his feats were really worthy of having such a title as a reward. Now he actually realized that despite all its advantages, the title was actually still sealed. What kind of additional effects could such a strong title have? But now was not the time to worry about that, he was in the presence of Yatan , the god of destruction; Did he invite him because he was attracted to his desire to destroy the gods?

''Welcome, child of Pluto.''

It was the voice of an adult, middle-aged, man, it was deep yet soothing; One would have wondered if he was not hearing Rebecca's voice and not Yatan's.

''It seems that Rebecca has been acting up more than usual lately, it turns out you're the reason behind it... Even attracting Bunhelier, you're a weird one, where does your confidence come from?''

[You're being suppressed by Yatan's voice]

[The effect of the ''Avenger'' title activates]

[You have resisted]

''What do you want from me?''

''Oh? You can speak in my presence? How curious, even Baal wouldn't be able to speak that freely.''

''Aren't you going to answer me?''

''Hm, let's say I was interested in the child who despite losing everything and realizing how helpless he is, still chose to stand against absolute beings. 'Is he Dumb or truly worthy of the truth?' is what I am basically trying to figure out.''

''And why would I trust you?''

''Trust me? You're quite arrogant, you know. Why would I need your trust, I can erase your existence whenever I wish to. Not that I am going to, of course; it seems you humans mistake me for some sort of world eater, well it's not your fault though.''

''And you're saying you're not?''

''Well, I guess I am, it's just that it's outside my control.''

''What does that mean?''

''The nature of the 'curse of sloth' leads me to be unable to leak my energy outside my body, and when enough power accumulates inside me and goes beyond my capacity, some of it leaks, leading to destruction.''

''You're an absolute god yet you can't remove your sin?''

''My sin is tied to Rebecca, as long as she exists, so does my sin''

''What? Why? Rebecca is the one who gave you the sin of sloth?''

''Yes that is true, however, in doing so she unknowingly consumed a great portion of her power. My sin is directly tied to her power, so the weaker she grows, the weaker does my curse get.''

''Wait but why would she do that?''

''Ah, enough talking, I can't stay awake for long anyway. Watch carefully, child of Pluto, perhaps you will finally make Chiyou's dream come true.''

Before Grid a scenery unfolded, large green plains, and an endless sea, it was the True myth of creation. (you can check 'The original sin' in Volume 2 if you want to read the story) The events that Yatan went through were now seen by Grid's eyes, it was the first time that a human had witnessed the real myth.

[Assimilation has ended]

[You are the first human to witness the real 'Genesis']

[You have acquired the title 'One who witnessed the Genesis']

[This is a key moment in Yatan's existence which led to the birth of the twin sins, 'Sloth' and 'Corruption']

[Your understanding of the nature of the sins has reached the maximum]

[The blood of Shizo Beriache dormant inside you has reacted to your knowledge]

[Shizo Beriache has worked all her life to deny to curse of 'Sloth' however the lack of knowledge made her unable to achieve that dream and she eventually left that dream to Marie rose and Braham.]

[However, you have witnessed the true nature of the sins and your blood has become able to deny the sin of 'Sloth']

[This is an unexpected event! If you manage to destroy Yatan's sin, you would have achieved a goal beyond myths that even the absolute gods couldn't reach.]

[Do you wish to sacrifice your power as the 'Blood king' In order to eradicate the sin of sloth from the world?]

[Warning: If you choose to do so, all your powers as the blood king will be lost and the hierarchy within the vampire society will collapse.]

''So, did you enjoy the show I prepared for you?''

''Why did you curse Shizo Beriache?''

''That child was playing with fire, if she had continued her research, Hell would have been destroyed.''

''Aren't you the god of destruction though?''

''That's what I am worshipped as. My true identity is Yatan, the god of change.''


''Yes, I am a god who wishes to see the world change, to see what couldn't be seen before, something new. Rebecca is the goddess of order, and Hanul is the god of Balance, or rather, that's what I think he is. These are our original identities, while Rebecca's idea of perfection was for the world to stay static, mine was a forever-changing and evolving one. When the world started going through major changes due to my actions, Hanul took it upon himself to bring me and Rebecca down and ensure the absolute balance. In that sense, the sin of sloth represented my worst nightmare while corruption represented Rebecca's eternal regret, just by existing she causes change and chaos.''

''If you could get rid of your sin, what would you do?''

''Unlike Rebecca who is obsessed with keeping order, I enjoy seeing continuous change, in that sense, my greatest dream is merely watching the world without interfering. Alas, it is impossible, However maybe one day, you will show me something beyond expectations, do not disappoint me, favored child of Chiyou.''



Yatan was confused as Grid replied weirdly, accept what? However this did not last long, blood started flowing out of Grid's skin and wrapping Yatan.

''What are you doing? You think you can win against me with weird tricks?''

''You wished to lose your sin, and that's what I am offering you.''


the Blood started wrapping Yatan's body and slowly got absorbed by his skin.


Yatan's screams filled the empty world where only he and Grid remained.


A killing intent was aimed at Grid who quickly activated 'Transcend' and used 'Shunpo' to dodge, however, Yatan extended his finger and released a dark wave that swallowed Grid.

[A legend doesn't die easily]

''UGH , wait , stop!''

Grid who felt great pain flowing through his body tried to explain the situation to Yatan.

[The effect of the 'Hero king' title activates]

[You will absorb all damage you receive as health until the end of the immortality passive]

[You are fighting an absolute god]

[Fighting energy is boiling]

[Fighting energy has temporarily risen to the ranks of an absolute]

[ There are no attacks that you won't recognize]


Grid used 'Revolve' to reflect Yatan's continuous assault until the blood transfusion is finished.


Yatan screamed as he received the reflected attack, he was in a nigh-paralyzed state due to the pain and could not dodge the attacks.

[Critical hit!]

[The effect of 'Ultimate martial art' activates]

Yatan who found himself stunned couldn't help but be surprised, even if he was heavily weakened currently, he was still the strongest of the 3 absolute gods; For a mere human to be able to push him this far was something unimaginable.

'Holy shit, lucky strike!'

In fact, If not for his luck, Grid would have been dead long ago, however, the new title effects and the critical hit effect made the impossible possible.


[Hero king, Grid, has damaged an absolute god!]

[The world is witnessing the birth of the first Godslayer!]

[The status of all human legends has risen sharply!]

In the midst of despair among the players of Satisfy, 3 world messages brought complete silence, it was akin to a ray of hope. Hero king, Grid , the greatest variable in the world of Satisfy, has just changed the course of events by merely spreading his name again.

''An absolute god?''

''No way! Rebecca??''

''That's not possible, Rebecca is still sending disasters at the Overgeared kingdom.''

''Then who? He was in the west so it can't be Hanul.''


''Holy f**k...''



However, amidst the chaos that dominated the player base, a new world message appeared.

[Hero king, Grid, is writing his 20th epic]

[Pagma's successor]

[The legendary blacksmith]

[The hero king]

[The lantern of humanity]

[The Overgeared King]

[The duke of virtue]

[the magic swordsman of the epics]

[The Overgeared god]

[Many titles that refer to one person, Grid]

[He fought the world alone but failed]

[The god thought they were re-telling humanity the story of the 7 saints where a fool opposed them]

[They took away everything from him but...]

[He stood up for those who survived]

[He stood up to protect the weak again]

[He threw away his pain and Fought again]

[He met the original sin]

[And he learned the truth of the world]

[Yatan, the god of destruction, it was the identity of the sinful god he met]

[He knew that the human was weak]

[But he believed in his determination]

[Grow and prove you're worthy, he said]

[For I am not the god of destruction, but the god of change]

['But you are still too weak' was what the god thought]

[However, the human dared to fight him despite that]

['Is he a fool?' the god thought]

[However, he was wrong, as pain crawled through his body and the human's sword pierced the god]

['A Godslayer...', the human had reached enlightenment by gazing at the truth of the world]

['I was wrong']

[He had underestimated the human]

[But the pain disappeared from the god's body ]

['it's useless now.', the human was still weak]

[However, the god felt something different in him]

['I am not tired?']

[The human was his benefactor, not his enemy]

[The god could not help but admire the power of the human who did what the gods failed to do]

[''Fight me again'' said the god]

[''Be reborn as a True Godslayer'']

[All of humanity's prayers flowed to the human]

[He was the ray of light that could dissipate the shadows of the transcendent beings]

[He was not merely the king of heroes]

[Nor was he just a lantern]

[He was the Hero of Humanity]

[The Hero of Humanity, Grid, has finished writing his 20th epic]

[An unknown person has become an eternal myth]

[An unknown person has become an Absolute]

[An unknown person has acquired all the qualifications to become a Godslayer]

Chaos filled the world of Satisfy once again.



[An unknown person has destroyed the sin of 'Sloth']

[An unknown person has uncovered the truth of the world]

[The Overgeared kingdom has signed an alliance with the god of change, Yatan]

[The hidden episode 'Revival of the 7 saints' has started]

[The hidden episode 'Second holy war' Has started]

[The tower of wisdom has revealed itself to the world]

[The tower of wisdom is requesting the cooperation of the players to hunt down Bunhelier]

[The sixth evil, Zik, has been liberated from his Sin]

[Sword saint, Kraugel, has accepted the request of the tower of wisdom]

[Bow saint, Jishuka, has accepted the request of the tower of wisdom]

[Mumud's successor, Euphemina, has accepted the request of the tower of wisdom]

[The Legendary assassin, Faker, has accepted the request of the tower of wisdom]

[The Undefeated King's successor has revealed themself to the world!]

[Baal's contractor, Agnus, has accepted the request of the tower of wisdom]


[You have completed the quest ''Path of revenge'']

[Congratulations! You have acquired all the qualifications to become a Godslayer!]

[The possibility to become a true Godslayer has been revealed, hone your skills to reach the stage of 'Absolute']

[Congratulations! Magic swordsman of the epics has grown to Myth!]

[You are the first myth of the current world, you can choose one of the following rewards: the elixir of life x 5, Balmung(sword)-myth(transcendent), 5 kg of moon night iron, skill creation token x 5, wish token x 1

[Wish token]

[A token with unknown origins. It is capable of granting one wish, however, that wish can not exceed a certain ''value''. impossible wishes:

-more wishes

-The death of someone

-any wish including an infinite amount of something ( infinite money, infinite power, infinite health etc...)]

''... Can I wish for the revival of someone?''

[Yes, however, you are limited to one person per token and the time since death should be less than 6 hours]

''...One person?''

[Yes, it is not possible to revive more than one person as that would exceed the maximal value of the wish, the same can be said about the time limit]

'No... why can't I get 2... Having to choose between my son and my wife, what kind of cruelty is that...'

Gird fell to his knees, he only had 2 hours left and he could only revive 1 person, he had lost his wife and son whom he held more dear than the entire world, but now he had to choose between them. Grid's tears were about to fall when Yatan's voice reached his ears.

''Fight me again.''

Grid looked at Yatan with confused eyes. Yatan had assumed that Grid's attitude was due to his disappointment, for not being strong enough.

''Be reborn as a True Godslayer.''

Yatan grinned while staring at Grid.