Chapter 20

When Elizabeth woke up in a bolt of hunger pains, she remembered how she had headed straight to bed without ordering her regular favourite, the sloppiest joes with extra fries from Tonino’s, which was the local junk food yard nobody could hate. The thought of it made her stomach grumble in pain, but before she could get off bed, the thought of the letter hit her and the image of Harrison reading it, made her break into a hazy smile. She leapt off the bed, went to the window and parted the curtains. The unchanged view of Pebble stone river glittered under the first rays of the day’s sunshine and the known chirps and tweets of the golden orioles and cuckoos along with the sounds of the river sloshing against the pebbles made a morning in Chelseaville one to fall in love with forever. Elizabeth remembered Hailey’s words.

Six fine years and every morning is like the first I ever saw