Chapter 23

It was six in the morning when Elizabeth wrapped up her room and embraced the cosy cloud ceiling room, which felt like her own paradise. Her eyes rested on the two brown envelopes on the small wooden table at the corner of the room for the girls, where she had watched Savannah swoon over the blue leathered poetry book and gaze at her polaroids with wild curiosity. Elizabeth did not know how she found it in her to leave her favourite Polaroid of Porto Cesareo for Savannah as a reminder for her to make her own discoveries. Elizabeth was obliged to write a few lines from the most complicated poem that Savannah had decided to take to heart. She knew the girl was going to be trouble for Vivian and she could only laugh in admiration.

“T’was brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.”

-find your own world, you’re not far-

Love, Elizabeth.