Chapter III: The Secret of Crowlhan Horwich

After the bell rang, Aiden went to his second class, gym class, here by obligation of the subject he had to enter the high school soccer team in order not to fail. The young man changing in the locker room tells Lenz:

-Why doesn't Hobson come to gymnastics? -

-You can't see him, he's no good at it, he can't recognize anyone without his glasses," says Lenz.

-well, yes, but... that doesn't mean he failed the subject. -

-He made a deal with Coach Truman," Lenz says.

The screaming coach tells the students that it's time to go to class, Lenz tells Aiden that Hobson then gives him the details and they both go to the field. There Coach Truman starts talking and says:

-Good morning youngsters, for the new ones I am the coach Truman I am in charge of leading the Horwich Owls team, to the applicants today I will make a test to see who are the new members of the team there are only vacancies available I hope you give your best effort... let's begin-

The tests began and Aiden stood out in each one of them, on the other hand Lenz didn't fall far behind, although he failed some of them he stood out in those that he could. When the last test arrived, the coach said:

-for this last test, they will have a mini friendly match against the starting team, we will only take 25 minutes and from there I will determine those who stay-

The starting team from Horwich came out, their uniform consisted of a brown shirt, which was yellow at the sleeve hems, and white shorts. Ezekiel looking at Aiden and Lenz begins to say:

-Well, look at the ones we have here, don't think we'll let them down, only the best ones get a shirt like this, so go for it - approaching Aiden, and quietly saying:

-nor do you think you'll make the team, I'll make it impossible for you.

-We'll see," Aiden responds.

As Madysin was arriving at the soccer field with Emma, he sees Aiden and heading to the stands he starts talking to Emma and she says to him:

-Did you see it? Aiden is fighting to see if he can get on the team.

- Yes, I hope you come in, I hope you do well," says Madysin.

- Mady, what about Ezekiel, don't you support him too? He is your boyfriend

-well yes, but he's already on the team, I don't need to support him, it's not a big match-

-You seem to be paying more attention to Aiden lately than to Ezekiel, are you sure you don't like Aiden?

-No, he's just a friend, plus he's new in town and I'm not leaving him alone.

-just a friend... jumm...-

-the game is about to start, we'd better go watch it-

The match began, and at first it was clear that the starting team was too far ahead as Ezequiel scored six goals. In one of those, Aiden tells Lenz to pay attention and play along, so Aiden scored two goals with Lenz's help and then finally Lenz gave a pass to Lenz for him to score; after the game, Coach Truman started to say:

-Very good team, as for you aspirants, it was a good game although the performance of some of them disappointed me, that is why I will only choose two aspirants to enter the team, if I say their name one step forward; the first one Aiden Rowell congratulations you entered the team and finally... Lenz Pott, finally I achieve it, it seems that I needed a good player like Rowell, to demonstrate his abilities you can retire-

As Aiden and Lenz were leaving, Ezekiel approached them and said:

-Don't forget that I'm the captain, don't think I'm the best because I'm the one in charge here.

Young Rowell stares at him seriously, after a few seconds Ezequiel leaves and then Aiden assures Lenz that he will do well in the team, both leaving the club. The last bell rings to get out of class, the young man waits for his friends at the entrance of the high school, Madysin goes out with his friend but says goodbye quickly because his parents are exaggeratedly punctual and come for Emma at 3:41 pm* (the exact time of departure), Hobson and Lenz approach Aiden, he reminds him that they will meet at night to start the investigation of the science reports, the young man found that perfect, since there he could tell them about what he has done and what he would do with it. After a while, Aiden signals Madysin to come over. She arrives at the young man's place with her friends and he begins to say

-I have to say something to the three of them - they're all surprised and Madysin asks him what Aiden's response is:

-it's something I found in my house but I don't know what to do

-What are you waiting for because you don't show it," says Lenz.

-I can't, it's a bit weird, better at night, hey Madysin you can at seven in my house, I'm going to do the investigation of the reports with my friends, there I tell them, is it going? -

-I don't know, I also have to do the research, but I'll tell Emma to do it early to give me time to get there," Madysin replies.

After knowing that he will have the support of his new friends, the young man feels relieved and they all go home. Night falls and Aiden is in his room with his friends finishing the investigation, he gets up from the floor, sees the time and notices that it is 7:30, the young man begins to walk back and forth as if in despair, in that Hobson tells him:

-Calm down, she'll come, she didn't tell you.

-I don't think it looks bad on you, and you can tell she likes you a lot, too bad she's not available," says Lenz.

- If... don't remind me, I don't know what she saw in that ape's face that makes her look important, a guy like that arrogant guy doesn't suit her," Aiden replies.

- Do you like Madysin," Hobson asks

At that moment there is a knock on the door, Mrs. Rowell opens it and it was Madysin, she greets her, and then asks for Aiden, the young man's mother tells her that he is in his room to come in. The young woman goes upstairs and before she opens the door she hears Aiden say:

-She is beautiful, you can't deny her, and so... in this case the young woman opens the door and asks:

-Aiden was going to tell him about her, but Lenz goes ahead and tells him:

-of Bry, he has an appointment with her tomorrow-

-Seriously? Why didn't you tell me? -Madysin asks

-it's not a date, he just invited me to visit the city, that's all, I was going to tell you, just not now-

- Okay, now tell us what you found.

The young man goes to his bedside table, opens the drawer and pulls out the necklace with the paper, everyone is amazed to see that strange necklace. Madysin grabs it and begins to look at it while asking Aiden if, as he had found it, the young man answers by telling him that it was something very strange and at the same time crazy since he saw in his dreams or what seemed to be them a spirit with black bandages and blue eyes saying Horwich and pointing to the picture. Aiden goes to the wall where the painting is, puts it down and opens the compartment telling everyone that it was there where those two things were. Hobson sees the note and at first sight it was very strange, the young Madysin asks him to read it aloud and Hobson begins to read:

-"With honor and courage, with cunning and malice, from evil he must protect the ancient relic, only the guardian will be able to save from those dark clutches the secret of his home.

Where silence sounds and the mind prevails, where the voice is not heard and imagination dominates; One to see in Eight times grow Nine are the birds that the bell tower has to have to make sound a Strong noise where everything begins to grow.

C.H 1978"-

When he finishes reading, Hobson notices the initials and the date at the end of the note. He looks for his laptop and investigates on the Internet the meaning of the initials. He quickly finds out that those initials belong to the founder of the city, Crowlhan Horwich, according to what he found on the Internet:

-"Crowlhan Horwich was the founder of the city of Horwich. He was a great scientist, always looking for a reason to revolutionize the world; this city was founded in 1968 when it was just a town, with the passing of the years the town grew little by little, but it was not until ten years later in 1978, that the scientist Horwich discovered something under the city and because of this he began to act strangely. His secretary commented that he used to mention that what he found could destroy not only the city but also the world as we know it, besides, according to some inhabitants he started to go crazy, since he did not stop dropping a strange necklace in the shape of a cross and only said that he had to protect it, to avoid destruction. Only a year later this great scientist died, the only thing that is known about it is that this necklace has something to do with the secret, but until now no one has been interested in looking for it, much less know where the necklace is located"-

Aiden is stunned by what he had just read and begins to say:

-So... this thing I have in my hand is supposed to lead to whatever this great scientist found, but I still don't understand why I found it, why me?

-this is strange, what do you have to do with all this? And this message doesn't make any sense at all," replies Madysin, taking the note out of Lenz's hand.

Hobson asks Madysin for the paper and reads it again, thinks a little and says

-well, from what I see the first part of the note refers as a guardian and that whoever finds the key must protect his secret or something like that, but the second part I have no idea seems like a riddle, where the mind predominates and silence sounds, it seems like it is saying where the entrance is but it seems impossible to know where.

In that Lenz takes the paper away from Hobson and starts reading it in his mind, while Hobson gets out of bed and says:

-Guys, if we find this secret, what are we supposed to do, I'm supposed to protect it or something, I can't just, I don't know what to do.

-We'll find that secret and help you protect it," says Hobson.

-if you don't worry, you can count on us, none of us will abandon you- replies Madysin

-Thanks, friend, but what are we going to do? We have no idea where the entrance is, that note is very confusing," says Aiden.

In that Lenz reading the note, begins to laugh and everyone found it strange, to what Hobson asks him:

-Why are you laughing?

- is that where it says "imagination dominates" it reminded me of that time in the library, when you were going to teach me for the algebra exam, Miss Prochet was eating her tuna sandwich and I imagined her as a walrus eating the fish, like in Antarctica and a mouse was just passing by and scared her; and just that happened and the walrus sandwich fell on her, it was pure laughter. It's true that you can imagine anything in the library hahaha-

-wait a minute, the library, wait (start reading the Hobson paper again) -Lenz you're a genius! -

-Thank you, I don't get that very often," Lenz says.

-Why is Lenz a genius, I don't think an empty mind like his can solve such a complicated riddle," Madysin asks Hobson.

-Yes, why is he a genius? -Aiden asks him.

- it is not obvious, as we did not see before, where silence sounds and the mind predominates, where the voice is not heard and the imagination dominates... the library; of course, silence does not sound is practically impossible, but it is where there is more of it, besides as the kids who get bored in the library do, they start imagining any stupidity-

-Hey! It's not stupid, it's wise visions that come," says Lenz.

- Well, of course it's the library, but which one? Madysin asks Hobson

- I don't know, the only thing we know is that there are only two libraries in the city," Hobson replies.

-Wait, I don't think it's the one from high school, the note is too old to refer to that one, how about the one from the park, that one is very old and besides, it's weird that something so old is found in such a new park, besides, it would be the most logical thing, right?

-Yes, you are right, but what about the second sentence? That one is even more confusing," Madysin asks the others.

-I think if the first part of the puzzle was the place, the second part should be something more specific to find the entrance, but I need time to know exactly what it is, I think I can solve it; Aiden, can you finish the report for me? That would give me the time I need to analyze the remaining part of the puzzle," Hobson says.

-Yes, I hope you'll be able to solve it," says Aiden.

-Of course, I'm going right now to start; hey Lenz, are you coming with me?

- If we go, this one here has to make a great dessert," says Lenz.

- Wait for me, guys; don't worry, Aiden is counting on me not only for this but for whatever you need, I won't leave you alone.

In this, Madysin grabs Aiden's hands as if romantically, and they both stare at each other, as if to give each other a kiss. Lenz knocks on the door as if to touch it and says to Madysin:

-What are you waiting for?

The young woman says goodbye to Aiden this after they leave, sits up in bed, and starts thinking seriously about what they discovered and looking at the necklace she says:

-I don't think you went crazy to discover the secret, I think you wanted to avoid the destruction of the city, I don't know what I have to do with this, but I'm going to protect my family and my home from that destruction you talked so much about.