Chapter VI: The altar of the moon

After seeing such things with his eyes, Aiden quickly removes his hand as if it had burned, his mother and the mayor thought it was strange and the mayor said:

-What's going on? Relax, I don't do anything.

-no... it's all right sir- answers Aiden

-Aiden, are you all right? Is something wrong?

- Easy mom... I'm fine, I better go... I have to go to the bathroom-

-Are you sure, son?

-Yes mom, I'm leaving, good luck in your work... goodbye Mr. Mayor-

Aiden leaves, but after a while he begins to shiver, and these were more and more intense, so much so that the young man rubbed his arm, it couldn't stand it and he had to sit on a bench that was there; at that moment Madysin was passing by with Emma and when they saw how the young man was, they approached him to see what was happening to him, Madysin says:

-Aiden... are you all right?

-I'll go get someone from the infirmary soon," says Emma.

-is the... darkness... is the...

Aiden fainted and when he woke up, he was in the infirmary, he was a little confused, he saw that he was alone with Madysin and she told him:

-Do you feel better now? What happened to you?

-Madysin... I know who is the evil being that stalks the city-

-Madysin asks him

-yes... it's....- in that Lenz and Hobson enter the infirmary and this one says to him:

-Are you okay, Aiden?

-Yes friend... What happened to you? -Lenz asks him

-if I'm okay... I'm glad you're here... I know who the evil that stalks the city is-

-Do you know?... but how? - Hobson asks

-just a moment... don't tell me... let me guess... it's Principal Raimondi... or not... Professor Monnet, with that bitter look on her face, even the animals run away from her- says Lenz

-Lenz... let Aiden speak," Madysin says.

-then tell us who he is - says Hobson

-is Mayor Clark- says Aiden to everyone

-The mayor, you're sure of that," says Madysin

-yes... in fact, you remember what the spirit told me that I would know just by looking at him, that I would feel his presence... at first when I saw him nothing happened, but we shook hands and I saw him... I saw a weird tattoo and in his eye you could see pure evil, and then those chills, as if I was freezing, it felt very ugly-

-Poor... did it feel so ugly, my friend?

-the worst thing is that I felt as if he didn't care about this city, as if he just wanted to find the secret to get it no matter what it took... that kind of person shouldn't exist-

-We won't let the mayor know where the secret is, let alone that you have the key," says Madysin.

-if... you count on all of us, we have always told you and we will always tell you again- says Hobson

-I don't know what I'd do without you guys, now more than ever we have to be careful, who knows if only the mayor will go after it," answers Aiden.

-You're right, well... we have to go... there's a lot of work to do, see you - says Hobson

-If you say goodbye... hey Hobson wait for me!...-says Lenz

So Aiden's mom enters the nurse's office worried and sees her son and says:

-You're okay, Aiden! -How are you feeling?

-I'm fine, Mom. It was nothing. You don't have to worry.

-what a relief... Madysin can you stay with Aiden in the afternoon? I'm going to be busy at work late, and I want him to be with someone in case something happens to him.

-Mom, don't worry I'm fine, nothing will happen to me.

-not Aiden... it's ok, Mrs. Rowell I'll be with him, besides you can go to my house and with that I introduce you to my parents

With that in mind and that her son was going to be fine, Mrs. Rowell leaves the infirmary. In the evening, the young man goes to Madysin's house, knocks on the door and she welcomes him in, Madysin's mother says:

-Who is Madysin? -I see we have visitors.

-Aiden... this is my mom's name is Cintia Rose - Madysin tells Aiden

-I'm very pleased, Mrs. Ross," Aiden tells Madysin's mother.

-much pleasure... then you are the young Aiden, my daughter has spoken to me much on you, feel like in your house, daughter I will make something to take to both of you- answers Mrs. Roshel

After he made some juice for the youngsters, both went to the couch and started talking about what they found at the entrance, they were still confused because the text on that plate was weird, in that Madysin's father going down the stairs says:

-there are visitors, who is this young man, are they partners?

-Yes, Dad, let me introduce you... he's our neighbor, his name is Aiden - says Madysin

-It's a pleasure, sir." Aiden replies.

-The pleasure is mine, my name is Alfonso Grant... What were you talking about, daughter?

Aiden waved his face at Madysin to tell him something else so he wouldn't know the secret, but since they were so confused and didn't know what to do, the young woman said:

-we have a photo look... we don't know its meaning-

-and where was this picture taken from, asks Mr. Grant

-it's a history assignment we've just been sent, we were asked about the meaning of that plate- Madysin told his father to divert him from the real intention

-well... let me see... yes... I've heard about this-

-You can tell us what it's about," says Madysin.

- is from a story that my dad told me when I was little... it was called "The Knights of the Moon" he said that long ago there was a people that was very harmonious but that some time later fell into the hands of the dark emperor until four noble warriors gave their devotion to the god of the moon in order to defeat the dark emperor, the battle was long but these four warriors won and freed the people from the darkness, to reward them for what they had done the god of the moon granted each of them a little of his power becoming kings of that people and with this continue to protect them from the darkness

-the Knights of the Moon... it's a great story Mr. Grant, but I still don't understand it- says Aiden

-wait... that's it! I got it... thanks dad you're the best... thanks- says Madysin

The young woman to tell Aiden about what she discovered thanks to her father, tells him to go to his room. Already there the young woman begins to say:

-Look, this is not a riddle, it's just a phrase from history.

-I still don't understand... I'm still confused," says Aiden.

-just call the guys... tell them to meet us at the entrance and explain it to them-

Night falls, the young man and his friends are at the altar, and Madysin begins to explain:

-Guys, what the plaque says is not a riddle it is part of a story or rather the summary... the knights thanks to the power of the moon become kings, what we must do is that the moonlight has to give to each one of the statues-

-but everything is dark, how do we do it? - says Lenz

-There must be something around here, a button... something that gives us light, start looking," says Aiden.

In that everything begins to look for some clue to obtain that moonlight, in that Hobson trips over something on the floor and his glasses fall down. He starts looking for them, when he finds them he puts them on and watches a switch on the floor saying

-hey guys! I found some...

-What is that? It looks like a button on the floor," says Madysin

-which we hope we will press him on to see what happens- says Lenz

-Wait Lenz! What if it's a trap," says Aiden

-so... let's find out-

In that Lenz presses the plate, suddenly a small tremor arises and from the ceiling or what seemed to be it, a small part slips giving moonlight (there was full moon that night) that illuminated the altar. When the light hit the altar it bounced off three of the crystals that the stone soldiers had, but the fourth one that had only half of the crystal was only half lit, and nothing happened, so Hobson says:

-Look, guys! It seems that one of the statues lacks moonlight, besides it seems not to receive all of it since the glass that absorbs the light is broken in half.

- and now... How do we do it? There's not a glass like that around here," says Madysin.

Everyone starts thinking about it, Aiden sees the bracelet that the young woman is holding in her hand and notices that a pendant with the exact shape is hanging from the glass and that the moonlight was reflecting off it and as it was bouncing off, that's when the young man got an idea and said:

-that's it!... Madysin give me your bracelet-

-What did you think of? -Madysin asks

-your bracelet... the pendant it brings, the light bounces off it, plus it's almost the same size as the glass.

-it's true... take it- replies Madysin

Aiden takes the bracelet, removes the piece of glass from the statue, then ties the bracelet to it so that the pendant is in the same place as the glass, making the moonlight bounce off the four statues. Suddenly, part of the back wall slides revealing a new room; there inside torches were lit that illuminated the room, at first sight it was an empty room, but when observing the east floor it was divided into plates that contained strange symbols and at the end of the room the exit was clearly noticed, in that Lenz says:

-at last! Something easy and nothing complicated... let's go guys-

-no Lenz waits! This is very strange, what if it's a trap," says Hobson.

Lenz does not pay attention, he goes down some small steps and when stepping on the first plate it falls to the bottom which contained lava, making the young man fall, apparently that room was full of traps.