Chapter XI: What are we facing?

After managing to get out of the jam Lenz was in, he quickly complained about the missing piece in his uniform saying it was his favorite jacket, Aiden realized that they could be discovered if Lenz went out with the jacket in that condition, they went down the steps and when they reached the altar of the moon Emma realized that apparently there was no way out, a little scared she asked Aiden:

-How are we going to get out of here?

-Emma is right, Aiden, we can't go through the trap room, plus look... it's blocked," Lenz tells her, at which point Aiden hears the voices again and this time, they show him a way out. It seems that in one corner there is a crack, the young man guides the others to the city sewer; both are surprised and Lenz says:

-the sewerage... don't you think it's risky? There are a lot of exits and if we go out in front of the guards they'll catch us - the voices lead Aiden back in, and before we go any further Emma stops him and asks him:

- How do you know where the exit is?

- I don't know if you believe me, but I feel like some voices are guiding me, and so far it's the only thing we can trust if we want to get out of here, come on.

The young people went ahead and left in an alley. Aiden asked Lenz for the sack and threw it there, while Lenz complained, the worried young man said:

-Stop complaining Lenz, you can't go to high school like this, we'll get caught... we have to do something-

- I have an idea... my aunt's store is nearby, it's a clothing store so most likely she still has a high school jacket for sale," says Emma.

The young people went to the store, when Emma entered she greeted her aunt and asked her about the uniforms. At first she told her that they had all been sold, but then she remembered something and told them: - what a coincidence, just half an hour ago a man donated this bag from the high school; the young people were surprised and Emma asked her if she knew who this man was but the aunt said that she was not the one who attended to him but his employee and that the only thing she said was that maybe someone needed him very soon and how right she was! The young woman wanted to find out who it was, but it was getting late and they had to leave.

At nightfall, director Raimondi would go to his office with the chocolate and almond cake that Gladys the cook always gave him. When he entered, he was surprised to see Mayor Palk, who told him:

- My dear friend Raimondi, how are you? Have a seat- Raimondi all nervous and scared sits down and tells you:

- Mayor Palk... I am well... all good... because of your presence at this time my lord-

- to a lot of things my friend... but let's get to the point... you know, my father was a great leader and he always told me "boy... if you want to be the best and get what you want you should stay with the ones who go first, the others are scum"; and now that I see him that old decree was very right... the thing is that my men found this at the entrance to the secret - Palk hands him the torn piece of cloth, the director is impressed and says:

-this is...-

-Palk stands up, walks over to Raimondi and presses his head against the desk, but the director's cheek is against the edge of the desk. It seems that the guardian is in your beloved high school, every day passes in front of your nose, and what do you do? you go around like a useless, like a trash eating those pieces of cake that the fat lady gives you... I'm disappointed Raimondi... -the mayor says to laugh and keeps on saying- I'm going to give you a warning... you better catch the guard, if you fail me once more everyone will see your head hanging from the mast...

- All right, sir... I won't fail you again.

- I have to go... but I'm taking this piece of cake... by the way, tell the others... I hope and don't be disappointed.

Palk withdraws and Raimondi is left with a sore cheek injury. On the other hand Aiden met with the others in his house, before going to his room he asked his mother about his grandfather, she told him that she didn't know much because his father was the one who took him home on the weekends that he used to have free to spend time father and son and that the only thing he knew was that they had distanced themselves when the young man was about to turn seven; Aiden went up to his room and started talking to his classmates:

-What did Madysin manage to decipher?

- What we know so far is that the piece is located on a small owl statue-

-but there are so many small owl statues all over the city... and doesn't it say the place?

- we have not been able to decipher this part: "Where the gift to create is born" - adds Hobson

- well... I don't understand that, but the only small statue of an owl and the scariest one I know is the one on the director's desk, when I was going to the management for getting into trouble the director turns that statue over... those scary blue eyes he has as if he was really watching you... it gives me the creeps - says Lenz

- I don't know if you're a genius Lenz... but it's worth starting there," says Emma

- And did you find what Mr. Graham left?

- if we found this chest in his room... but there were unexpected consequences," adds Aiden

- like my favorite sack burning... that was not fair at all!

- burning? Did they discover them - Hobson asks

- Not quite... I think they know now that we are students who are after the secret," answers Emma.

- at least we have the chest... but it's very rare that it doesn't have a lock and doesn't open at all," Aiden says; everyone tries to open the chest but without success, being exhausted in that Hobson tells the others:

- Hey guys... I forgot... I analyzed the piece in depth and you won't believe what I found.

- And what do you know, Hobson?

- Apparently, the crystal that carries the artifact is the same as the one in the guardian's necklace... and that's not all I investigated further and realized that that crystal is a type of mineral called rhodium-

- Rhodium?... I've never heard of that," says Emma.

- that is the rarest of all... according to what I found the rhodium is a mineral that is just being discovered and only a small fragment of this mineral has been found... and apparently the piece has more than a single fragment just like the necklace and they are already processed- adds Hobson

- What do you mean by that? I don't get it - Aiden asks

- that this rhodium does not come from this world - says Hobson

- what!... now it turns out that underneath the city there is a special lost alien ship and that the secret is the command post and we can't let the bad people make the ship take off because otherwise it will destroy the whole city... now I'm getting scared guys! You're going to see a space war! We're going to die! - says Lenz all upset

- Calm down Lenz don't be so dramatic... that theory doesn't make sense - says Madysin

- if you were not so dramatic... if you would let me finish speaking... well as I said, it doesn't come from this world, well at least not from this time - replies Hobson

- You mean those minerals you have in your hands, do they come from the future?

- is not a very concrete and one hundred percent certified answer but if... it is most likely-

Everyone was surprised by Hobson's discovery, so much so that they were more confused and had more questions than answers... what were they facing? Could it be that the secret has to do with the future?