Chapter 9

26 more days to go

"Oh my days!" Annabelle squealed loudly as we walked down the hallway on our way to class.

I told her about how I saw Mr Henderson - I mean John last night.

"Did he say anything?" She questioned "Like make a move or something?"

"Nope. He only told me he didn't like the unnecessary formalities and stuff"

"Be careful, okay?" She warned

"What do you mean?"

"I get he's hot and all but he's going to be a priest soon. I don't want you to fall deeply for him then get heartbroken in the end"

"What?" I laughed "I just met him"

"I know that but things happen. He has a charming personality. More than half of the female population in this school swoon over him because of how sweet he is. It isn't going to change the fact that he'll be ordained in a less than a month"

"I know babe. I know"

"Let's talk about something else. I can swear that Cindy feels threatened by you"

I rolled my eyes

"I want nothing to do with that girl. I had to control myself from ripping out her eyes from her sockets last night. She's such an uptight little bitch"

We were so caught up in our conversation that I didn't realize I bumped into someone.

"Excuse you" I said angrily

I immediately regretted it when I saw it was a reverend sister. I was about to say sorry for the mistake I made until she made a rude comment.

"Didn't your mother teach you any manners? Or doesn't decency exist in the white house?"

"Oh no" Annabelle mumbled

I folded my arms and glared at the elderly woman. She did not just go there with me. No one and I mean no one insults my mom directly or indirectly.

"As a matter of fact she did" I responded "you know what else she taught me? To never respect people who don't deserve it like you "

She gasped

''Did you just talk back at me?"

"She didn't mean to sister" Annabelle quickly cut in.

From the tone of Annabelle's voice she was scared but I couldn't care less

"Yes I did" I said "or are you turning senile that you couldn't hear me?"

"You are such a rude brat! Disrespect is not tolerated here. You will be reported to the principal"

I took slow intimidating steps towards her.

"Report me to the principal?" I mocked "you're too chicken to deal with me yourself?"

"Please Stop" Annabelle pleaded

"I won't. I'm having so much fun"

"You have two seconds to move away from me!" The woman said

"Or what?" I teased moving even closer to her "you don't scare me"

"What's going on here?" A voice asked. Mr Henderson came into view

"Good morning sir" Annabelle greeted

"This girl here" the woman started

"Uh uh uh 'this girl' has a name and it’s Ruby" I corrected

"Be quiet" Mr Henderson demanded

His face was serious. It was hard to believe this is the same man I talked to under the stars last night. I blinked in shock. I never expected him to react that way. Is it weird that I'm sort of turned on?

"She bumped into me" she continued "I confronted her then she threw words at me"

I think you forgot the part where you said my mom didn't teach me manners?

"Why didn't you apologize?" Mr Henderson asked

"I was about to" I explained "until she made a slick comment about my mom not teaching me manners"

"Is that your excuse?"

"Besides she bumped into me. I was talking to Annabelle and I didn't see her. It isn't entirely my fault"

"Apologize" Mr Henderson ordered

'But... "


"Sorry" I muttered

"That's not good enough"

"I'm sorry.... Sister"

"Good. This should not repeat itself. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir"

"Get to class. Both of you"

Annabelle didn't say a word to me till we got to our first period. The teacher was writing on the board but hadn't started the lesson.

We took our seats in the middle of the left row. Mary was on the right row staring at us as we walked in

"What?" I asked her

After what happened right now I was more than ready to fight anyone who annoys me. Damn the consequences. I was already boiling in rage. I just need someone to pour it out on.

"I'm just wondering why Annabelle came in late" Mary said "she's always in class fifteen minutes early"

"Mind your fucking business"

"Swear words aren't allowed" a girl behind me said. I ignored her. If I had responded, I would have said something really bad.

"She's been here for less than a week yet she's already being a bad influence to you" Mary said to Annabelle "I suggest you choose your friends wisely"

"And I suggest you keep your mouth shut" I retorted

"Leave it alone Mary" Annabelle answered

"I'd stay away from her if I were you" Mary said

I gripped the table tightly trying to control myself. I'm doing my best not to crack. I just want to beat her up so bad and I only met her on Monday.

"Good morning class" the teacher turned around and said

"Good morning ma'am" we responded

"Today's topic is drug abuse. As year eleven students I assume you all know what the definition is"

"Yes ma'am"

"If you aren't sure you can always check your textbooks for reference purposes. Is that taken?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Alright, let's go deeper. Can anyone give me signs and symptoms of drug abuse before we go to the difficult parts?"

That's easy. I rose up my hand with hopes of answering the question but a girl in front beat me to it.

"Yes Diane?" The teacher said "give one symptom"

Diane stood up and answered

"Ruby Adams"

Everyone laughed

"Haha very funny" Annabelle said dryly

My legs were shaking under the table.

Calm down Ruby

Calm down

"I mean" the girl continued "we've all seen the news plus we haven't forgotten the video that went viral on YouTube and Instagram. What happened again? Oh yeah. You were so drunk that you stood on top of the roof of a frat house screaming "I will be Queen!" then you peed"

Everyone laughed again

Sure. I've made some bad decisions but I'm only human. Why does she have to embarrass me in front of the whole class?

"You know nothing about me" I told her through my gritted teeth

"Oh trust me sweetie we do. If we want to see a part of you we've never seen before, you need to get an x ray if you know what I mean"

They laughed again

"Aaarghhh!" I screamed loudly. I ran to her and dragged her with so much force that she fell.

I threw several punches at her. I kept hitting her repeatedly. I even pulled out her fake eyelashes. All I could see was red. I pushed away the people that tried to push me off her.

The teacher successfully pulled me off her. I was breathing heavily. There was blood and hair extensions on the floor.

"To the principal’s office now!" The teacher commanded


"You know you could get expelled right!" Principal Turner said

I looked down feeling ashamed of myself. I lost all my self-control when I could have ignored her.

I felt bad that Principal Turner was disappointed in me. I really like him

"I know sir"

"You committed two big crimes in a span of thirty minutes. Give me one reason why I shouldn't expel you right now?"

Because you're a Christian and God said we should forgive and forget?

"You have every right to sir"

He sighed

"I called your mother to tell her what happened. She wants to speak to you"

He called her then handed the phone to me.

I put the phone against my ear silently waiting for the insults and screams I'm about to receive.

"Ruby Kimberly Adams!" My mom shouted when she picked up

"Hello to you too mother"

"What is wrong with you? It’s just your fourth day yet you're already disrespecting authorities and picking fights in class!"


"Don't give me any flimsy excuse"

"I'm not trying to. I take full responsibility. I'm sorry"

She was silent for a while. She obviously wasn't expecting me to apologize

Honestly, I have no strength to argue. I'm mentally exhausted

"Behave yourself"

"I will mom"

"Give the phone back to the principal"

I gave it back to him. They spoke for a short period then hung up.

"You can leave" he told me

"What about my punishment?"

"Don't worry about that. Don't do it again"

"I won't. Thank you sir"

With those words being said, I left his office