Chapter 15

Gina and Andy nods as yes-"OK"they said as they flee in sky..!

Andy-"you look there"he point at left side of him..!

Gina-"OK"she nods..!

They get separated and look for the place where water,tree and house..!

Andy-"I found the place "he yelled...!

The six goes in direction where Andy was, there was small forest, Andy and Gina flee down on ground,the six enter the small forest,they goes more deeper they saw a small pond of water and after few steps there was a small house,they walk towards the small house,they go inside the house,the small house was dark..!

Crystal-" can someone switch on the light "

Voilet-"there is no light here"

Summer-"leave it to me "she use her fire element..!

Justin-" there is no here "

Summer-"Voilet can you sense some one here"she asked..!

Voilet-"no there is no else here only us"she replied...!

Andy saw a paper,he grab the paper...!"there is something written on this paper "he said..!

Voilet-" what written in it "she asked..!