Chapter 50


Urie-"let's go since we are chosen for king and queen"

Summer-"but I..can't.."

Urie-"you can't what!!??"

Summer-"I don't know how to dance "she whisper in Urie ear...!

Urie smiles-" don't worry I am here follow my instruction"he whisper back gently and grab grab her with caring and take her to dance floor,everyone cheer them,summer look at them and get nervous....!"don't feel nervous just look into my eyes"he whisper again in gentle voice...!

Summer-"OK"calm down

The song start and they start dancing..!"very good just keep looking into my eyes and feel the beat"


Author:"yeah feel his heart beat"eats chocolate...!

Gina-"hey stop interrupting can't you see I'm watching":-\

Author:"why I also want to see them kissing"

Voilet hit author...!"ouch that's hurt Voilet "

Voilet-"you deserve it now lets continue the novel"