Author Note And Characters Chat

Author-"hey there readers I know what are you thinking,but soon there will be a season2 and now lets have a talk with This Story Characters"

First the main lead:

Tsubaki(Summer)-"hey there readers as you know I am female lead,how are you all I hope all of you are fine"

Urie-"sweety they all are fine they are just confused what happened before 4 years"

Gina-"yeah author killed us 9 years before and now she want to have a chat with us hmmph"

Author-"you should be happy that I make you alive again just for the chat "

Jake-"who need your sympathy "

Andy-"why am I Villain in season 2"

Voilet-"yeah I agree give us the answer why me and Andy will be villain in season 2"

Author:"uh about that its secret and besides it was a secret you idiot"hit Andy head...!

Andy-"aww thats hurt how can you hurt an innocent angel"

Author-"you are angel in story OK"

Andy-"so what first you make me separate from my Angelina"sobs sobs...!

Author-"stupid,idiot stop acting "