Interesting visitor

Jules pov

I swear I'm going to kill her, that bitch Alexia waited for Hades to go on a business trip to decide she missed this castle and wanted to visit and we couldn't do anything to send her away since we are just maids.

"Carry my bags you maid, to the top room." she sneeres at me with a don't mess with me bitch face.

" Ok my lady," I say with as much sarcasm as I can muster up. I carry up her bags and put them down with care, even though I didn't like the fake ass bitch, I didn't want to pay for her luggage.

"Get me some more juice," ok I have had it with her, I might be a maid but I was not a footstool that can just be stepped on whenever."Listen here you bitch faced spoilt brat I'm only going to say this once and slowly at that so that your retarded brain can get it," Every word is said slowly with as much emphasis to get it through her extensions and thick skull. "You trump, you are just a social climber who will never become anything but just the maid you are so here is the jist go get me some more juice." I say a simple no and walk away tired of fighting with a spoilt brat but as I am about to go she pulls me back by my wrist and turns me around, she is about to slap me but once again she is interrupted by a deep voice but this time it is not Hades,"let her go," the tall stranger commands, well what do we have here? Did I accidentally sign a form to acquire saviours? Because they seem to be popping up everywhere, might as well get superman next, a girl can only dream." What is this family and defending maids, you know what, I am out of here and I am telling daddy to cut off all ties with you." She somehow manages to sashay out of the room looking like she's on the freaking runway while still dramatically crying, well someone was meant for the theaters, must explain her misplaced drama.

The tall handsome stranger stares at me for a while, he has this blue eyes, dark hair and a very muscular chest I guess he is kind of sexy but not as Hades is, woah woah woah... wait, why am I comparing him to Hades?

In one fluid motion, he is right next to me, he takes my hand and kisses it,"My name is Cole, Hades brother well step brother." He introduces himself in a flirty tone. Umm, ok we're in the twenty first century but ok.

I am sure he charms the pants off ladies but it is not working on me, there's just something about him that doesn't sit well with me. "I am Julliet but you can call me Jules, Hades PA." I also introduced myself. "Well looks like it's going to be an interesting holiday." Seriously dude, what's up with the creepy eighteenth century villain vibe? The malicious tone makes me question him the more.

Hades comes back just as the sun sets to give way for the moon to grace us with its vibrant light. Turns out that Mr. Parker actually listens to his daughter and so he cut off all ties so the business trip was cancelled.

"Hello brother, fancy seeing you here." Hades greets his brother clearly annoyed by his presence. "Ahh yes brother, I so dearly missed and couldn't stay away a second longer dear bro." Anybody with eyes could see that they didn't like each other. This is seriously starting to feel like a bad episode of the originals, only Klaus is not so charming and well Cole as Elijah, that should already speak for itself.

"How long are you staying?" Hades asks in a bored tone. "Why you actually going to let me stay little brother?" The venom in his eyes is unmistakble despite the little cute with a hint of bad boy persona he's trying to sell with that stupid smirk."The offer ends in five, four, three, two..." "Ok ok ok, I accept and I will be staying for three weeks." "Well carry your bags to your room, you know the way." Hah! He should have been here when Alexa came, would have saved me a few breaths and the few white hairs that I'm sure her presence caused. "What about milady here, can't she carry my bags?" Yap that just decided it, I'm not close to loving a guy, not even a little. "No, she is my PA and she only serves me." Did he forget his facial expressions? He seems to only be using one and it's not so...amiable. "Ok but after this three weeks she might not be anymore." In one second Hades is holding Cole by his collar,"if you dare come near her, I will murder you, you got that?" Woah that went from about sixteen to hundred so quickly, Klaus and Rebecca would be jealous right now.

That's the second time Hades has defended 'my honour', I might just nickname him my knight in shining amour, I never thought myself a damsel in distress but with the things are going, that might just be my new nickname.

And the way things changed so drastically, I don't know what I did that he started being so nice to me. "Ok ok brother I was just joking." 'Well no one finds it funny sweatheart.' For once my subconsious is on my side. "She's not like the girls you love using and tossing aside like dirt." I think I just died a little inside.

"Okay, I got that brother, you can calm down now."

"Did you here what I just said?" Mary snaps me out my trance,"mmm?" "I just said that the king asked us to set the table, he is going to eat together with his brother and you." "What?!" I pinch my arm to make sure I'm not in some sort of hallucination, those mushrooms the cook served did look suspicious. "I know right, seriously you have got to teach me your enchantress skills so that I can try them

on the new hot guy, what's his name? Oh yes, Coleeee," She squeals with a dreamy look on her face. "Aha, but he looks kind a dangerous to me." I say more to myself. "Yeah dangerously hot, and even more dangerous to my panties." "No, I mean dark, you know the wrong kind of dangerous." 'As if there ever was a good dangerous.' There goes the unwanted voice again, I roll my eyes at myself. "Ohhh, I haven't seen that, but ok if that's what you think, hey, so you better get ready for the dinner." "Yeah ok," I head to my room to freshen up.

When I open the door to my room, I find Jade sitting on her bed, looking spaced out "I still do not see what's so great about you that the master fancys you," Is that some kind of greeting in an unknown language cause that all she has ever said to me. I noticed she has a dreamy look when she mentions the king, I guess she likes Hades, but she also gets me thinking, what's so special about me that he even told me his name...?

I sit down beside Hades and Cole sits opposite me. "Your food master," she's giving Roger the creepy clown a run for his money with that wide smile. "Thank you, you may leave now." Hades dismisses her, I catch Jade shooting daggers at me before she leaves, honestly I couldn't give a rats ass about he but I do feel kind of bad for her, I'm no stranger to unrequited love.

"So brother how are you doing, considering you run a whole kingdom?" Cole asks casually trying to break the silence but I can tell he is really interested, "great." His tone is more dry than the Saharra desert.

"How are the rest of the servants treating you?" Hades asks while looking at me with a concerned look, which really makes my heart flatter, "great especially Mary she is one of a kind." I answer not really wanting to mention Jade. "And the brunett that's always scowling? I noticed the way she was looking at you." That really catches me off guard, "ok I guess, but she is a salty one," "Oh, is that so? I really like the feisty ones looks, like I have me a new conquest." Cole interrupts our conversation, I had forgotten he was still here, the scorching looks from Hades didn't help with my attention. "No, what did I tell you?" Hades asks like he is talking to a child which makes me giggle, both men look at me like I have grown three heads, "anyway, you said that I shouldn't come close to her, but you never said anything about the rest." He says with a smirk which is starting to annoy me. "Yes but that also goes for the rest." Hades says while still looking at me, what did I do? I wonder, I start wiping my face wondering if there was something on it and that's when he says, "you have the cutest giggle I have ever had."......

'Well shit.' That was not what I thought he was going to say.